Sports, Current Events,General Living, Family, News, general, review products, religion, shopping,food, entertainment, Hollywood, Men's interests, Women's interests
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Accutane Lawsuit
Christmas 2011
Homemade Rice Soup
Regency Beauty Institute
This blog post was based on information provided by Blogitive. For more information, please visit or contact Regency Beauty Institute – 10217 North Metro Parkway West – Phoenix, AZ 85051
Sunday, December 26, 2010
American Life Quotes
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Free Link Building Tools
Monday, December 20, 2010
Photos on Facebook
Winter Storm Warning
Buy Gold Bullion
Blizzard Again
Friday, December 17, 2010
New Great Grandchild
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Low Car Insurance

Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Buy Gold
My New Necklace
Holly's Sleeping
Buy Gold Bullion
Caught in the Act
Hey, That's my Pacifier
Buy Gold Coins
Monday, December 13, 2010
Best Home Mortgages
Your mortgage will entirely depend on how reputable a mortgage lender handles your mortgage. You want to be able to get a mortgage that you will be able to pay easily. Additionally, if you can find a good fixed mortgage rather than one that is variable and can keep going up and up, you will be much better off.
If you have good credit, you should have no problem finding the right mortgage lender. By checking the Internet you can find the best interest rates for your mortgage. Perhaps you have even decided to build a new home to your specifications, you will still want to get the best mortgage available to you. A good mortgage company is ready and willing to assist you in doing just that.
Friday, December 10, 2010
Here Comes the Snow
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Friday, December 3, 2010
Get Cheap Life Insurance Quotes
Monday, November 29, 2010
Travel & RV Recreation
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Icy Weather
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Eating Birthday Cake
Logo Mojo
Buy Life Insurance
Friday, November 12, 2010
Businesses Accepting Credit Cards
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Getting Ready For Winter
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Alternate Ways to Educate
This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Ashworth College. All opinions are 100% mine.
This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Ashworth College. All opinions are 100% mine.
My brother had a hard time in school. When he was ready to graduate, he failed one class. This gave him very low self-esteem and he wanted that diploma but it was very hard to go back to school with a lower class to finish and get his diploma. If only he could have attended High School Online it would have been much easier for him. Now for many others, Ashworth College Featured by National Education Report is available to them also to finish college. The tuition is extremely reasonable and also includes course materials and books. Monthly payments can be worked out so that with zero percent interest, anyone should be able to afford them. Not only that but when you graduate, you will not have a huge student loan debt hanging over you such as my grandchildren have. That is certainly a plus. I feel one of the best methods of study is to be able to do it at home and in your own time. You are not pressured to attend class at a local college or far fro home. It is ideal for those who just need to make up a class. There are so many advantages, just check out the Ashworth Video Gallery to find what fits you best.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Wall Clocks
Exterior Shutters
Need a New Bathroom Vanity?
Web Hosting Rating Site
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Spagetti and Meatballs
SPOT Satellite GPS Messenger
This post brought to you by SPOT. All opinions are 100% mine.
This post brought to you by SPOT. All opinions are 100% mine. When you are out hiking or find yourself in a wilderness area, it is always good to have a GPS Messenger with you. Often you may get separated from those you were with and cannot contact them. It is pheasant hunting season in our State and many men go out together. Although they may wear bright jackets, they can still get separated as they walk and walk to find the birds. Cell phones are alright, however, they do not always work in every area. You can find yourself separated from everyone and perhaps you may even lose your sense of direction on a cloudy day. During deer season, hunters stay in their tree stands and sometimes follow the deer they have shot. They may find themselves a long way from home and anyone hunting with them. In order to be able to locate someone they need SPOT Satellite GPS messenger. Since it works off a satellite, it is available at all times and that is just what you need to contact your hunting party. You may even have lost your sense of direction back to your vehicle because it is now dark and the deer has wandered a long ways before dropping and you may not be sure where you are. What a great Christmas present for your loved one who loves to hunt and right now you can get a bonus kit worth $50. Not only that but there is a 15% coupon which can be used for many other useful items.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Family Fun
Gold Bullion
Autumn Leaves
Friday, October 29, 2010
DIY ice rink
Last year one of our kids' friends parents made a homemade ice rink in their backyard. So of course the kids were there all the time. It was like we barely even saw them at all during the whole winter! Or at least during their winter break from school.
Well this year I'm going to try and make one myself. So I went online to try and find direction sfor as to how to make one and when I was doing that I found some clear wireless internet deals. I think we're going to switch over our internet service because of them and we haven't been happy with our old internet service for a while now.
From what I saw online, it seems like making an ice rink is going to be almost too much trouble, almost. But IÕm excited to ice skate on it myself because I used to do a lot of figure skating back when I was growing up. My husband I know is dying ot play some hockey on it too.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Tender Beef Stir Fry

Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Mississippi River
Depuy Lawsuit
Glenn Beck
Car Wash
Gold Bullion
Pizza Ranch
The Falling Leaves
Depuy Lawsuit
O’Hanlon, McCollom & Demerath – Personal Injury Lawyers – 808 West Avenue, Austin, TX. 78701 – 512-494-9949
Baby Shower
High Wind Warnings
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Buy Gold Bars
Changing Beds
Calling All Fashionistas
This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of Liz Claiborne New York Outlets. All opinions are 100% mine.
Here it is Fall already and getting colder every day. It is time to get out the Fall wardrobe and see what needs to be tossed and what you can keep. Then we all want to go shopping for the latest in Fall fashions. But those things we would like to have really cost a great deal of money. I know everyone wants fashions by top designers and I found out that the Liz Claiborne New York Outlets are having a fabulous sale with as much as 50% - 80% off. If I could only get there I could use several beautiful new sweaters. Mine look pretty sad as they have had a great deal of wear. The next thing I would look for are a new stylish pair of boots. I would be the envy of all my friends. I have worn my old boots for such a long time. But probably most of all I need a good warm new winter jacket because we live in a very very cold climate here in the Northern part of the Midwest. We get lots of snow and ice here. Which reminds me, I need some new gloves and a couple of nice warm scarves to go with my new jacket. And while I am at it, I would also love to get to the New York sale at Liz Claiborne Outlets and get several pair of nice warm winter slacks and some long sleeve stylish blouses. With the wonderful sale that is going on, I know I would be able to get everything I want at such discounted prices. It would be a dream come true. I would love to take along a few of my friends so they could enjoy these wonderful sales too. If you folks out there reading this are any where near these outlets in New York, be sure to get over there as fast as you can and stock up on your winter fashions. Happy shopping everyone!
Buy Gold Bars
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Fall Weather
Yearly fair tradition
We don't just go to the fair every year, but we also have made it a huge family tradition for us, right up there with trick or treating and Easter egg hunting. So I'm really excited to take the whole clan next week to the state fair.
Each of us has so much stuff going on all the time that it was a little tough to move all of our schedules around so that we could actually go together. But I actually found a huge group discount online for tickets, so I think that's going to help us a lot with the cost. When I was booking all of us through that, I found and read through and decided that would be another great way to cut our family costs.
The thing that I most look forward to about the state fair though is the funnel cake eating contest that me and my sons always have. We started it a few years ago unintentionally and since then we've just done it every year.
Monday, October 18, 2010
Fall Days
Foliage, Family and Fun
Fall is always one of the most beautiful times of the year here in Pennsylvania. On the weekends, my husband and I like to spend the day out in the parks with our dog, Nunzio. We walk for miles along the Allegheny Bike Trail and take in the wonderful sights and scents of the changing foliage. Both avid photographers, we take hundreds of photos of ourselves, the dog, and the beauty of nature that surrounds us.
After a long hike, it's time to get home, scrub the dog's paws, and have a long soak in the hot tub. As we lay there in the bubbling water, we gaze up at the stars and listen to music, or talk softly about work, our plans for children soon, or our next home renovation project. When it's time for dinner, we usually make something quick, pop up a huge bowl of popcorn, and settle down on the couch for some satellite TV from We massage our sore muscles, go through the photos on the laptop, eat, and enjoy a movie or two. Fall is our 'together' season.
Apple Season
My Brother
Mississippi River
Hoover Alabama Cosmetology School
This blog post was based on information provided by Blogitive. For more information, please visit
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Rib Crib
Theater Night for Four
My husband and I took our grandkids to the movies this past weekend. We hadn’t seen the kids in a while, so we thought we would take them to the local cinemas for a nice outing. Most of the movies that were showing were for adults, but we found a movie called Alpha and Omega, a cartoon movie about two wolves that made the perfect option for the kids.
They seemed to really enjoy the movie, and I was happy to see that we made a good choice for them. We were also glad that we brought our new Miracle Ear hearing aids to the theater, since we ended up in the way back.
After the movie we let the kids play in the arcade out in the lobby for a little while. We always try and make sure they have a good time when we spend time together.
I think next time we have a day with the kids, we will take them miniature golfing. That’s the only thing they love more than movies!
Friday, October 8, 2010
Surgery Go Ahead
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Beautiful Homes in Troon North in Arizona
It is fun to search through all the various beautiful homes that they have listed. They also provide you with maps so that you can see the locations. There is so much to do in this community. Being close to two great golf courses with a clubhouse that has so many amentities itself, is a real plus. No matter what type of home you are looking for, they have a huge selection of homes of every type and size.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Bill Paying
Volunteering at Your Child's School
A good parent goes the extra mile for their child, or the extra kilometer, depending on whether or not you are a patriot. I go to volunteer every week and help out by participating during recess, watching kids to make sure they are playing games by the rules and adhering to the mores of fair play.
I volunteer about twice a week, sometimes even when the school doesn't ask me to. This is because I have plenty of free time and am a very lonely man. Such is the abyss of my loneliness that I often stare at the clock and wonder when my kid will return home so we can watch cartoons together. I am a simple man who loves cartoons, although my child only watches to patronize me, as she is far more interested in watching reruns of Seinfeld. In any case the best way to help out is to teach the kids new games and have an ebullient attitude. Children can sense when you aren't being completely enthusiastic, so I suggest before you go to volunteer you imbibe a vat of coffee. This will help you match their energy, especially during high intensity games like tag, hopscotch, and ring around the rosey.
Thankfully, despite living in a terrible neighborhood with rampant crime, I am able to leave my home in peace thanks to my Home-Alarm-Systems, which I set before I leave.
Monday, October 4, 2010
Frost on the Pumpkins
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Tire Chains
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Happy Birthday Honey
The Tradition of Tailgating
The activities leading up to "The Big Game" begin long before kickoff or tip-off. Every sporting event should be tailgated properly. The main ingredients needed for a successful tailgate are quality food and beverage, and the activities surrounding the tailgate.
Any great tailgate will always feature great food and plenty of beverages. Brats, burgers, and dogs are great staples for the meat lovers, but some good vegetable trays, chips and salsa, or other snacks can help to satisfy all attendees. A keg of beer, mixed drinks, and various shots also aid in getting riled up to cheer on your favorite team. Cooking up secret recipes for chili, hot wings, or shish kabobs can also add some personal flavor to a tailgate.
A great tailgate will feature many activities in addition to the televisions for the pregame coverage and analysis. Having a football to throw around or a mini-basketball goal to shoot at allows some simple entertainment before a football or basketball game. If tailgating a volleyball event, it is good to set up a net and get some games going. Tailgates are a great way to keep in touch with all your family and friends if you face a busy schedule during the week. I just set my ADT alarm system near la as I walk out the door and prepare for a day full of entertainment.
Friday, September 24, 2010
Thursday, September 23, 2010
New Toys
Gold Bullion
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Shop Till You Drop
Free Content for Your Blog
Monday, September 20, 2010
Full Knee Replacement
Fall's Hottest Entertainment
This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of TiVo. All opinions are 100% mine.
It has really been a long summer waiting for the new fall shows. I did catch a couple of reruns that I missed along the way but now it seems I have seen everything there is to see. It is time for new Fall TV at last. Last year I missed out on some of my most favorite shows but with the new Tivo Premiere and Slide, I will be able to quickly test into Netflix and other places to pick up the full season of my favorite shows that I didn't get to see at all. I really like that it glows so I can see it in the dark so it is easy to locate. One of the many great features is the Qwerty keyboard. I can quickly text and Search for what I want on YouTube and more. I took just a few minutes to become a fan of Tivo on their Facebook Fan Page and I know you will want to do that too because they are running a contest that will expire September 22 so you want to hurry and Enter to Win. You will have the chance to win the new Tivo Slide. It would be exciting to have the Tivo Slide because I will be able to find all my favorite programs no matter where they are and with built-in Bluetooth, it has the extra power I need out here where I live.
Is this September or November?
Tire Chains
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Weather Change
Boost Mobile Phones
This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of Boost Mobile. All opinions are 100% mine.
This is a great deal for everyone. I got to choose the phone I wanted first, and then it was up to me to choose the plan I wanted. When you choose Boost Mobile I got easy activation and was ready to go. I feel the handiest advantage of my phone is being able to Re-Boost my account. But better yet, I can give a gift to my friends by adding to their accounts without showing my credit card and giving away the surprise. I follow Facebook regularly and it is so easy to keep up with my family and friends from home or at work, on breaks or shopping and I only pay one price per month to do this. I love checking in a lot because there is so much happening every day and I want to be a part of it on Facebook. I love the monthly unlimited plan for only $60 and I can call anywhere and send all the texts and check my emails besides looking up stuff on the Internet anytime I choose. I loved having so many phones to choose from and could get mine to fit my budget and every phone had plenty of features so it was a little hard to decide. I was hard to decide between the Blackberry and the various great Motorola phones but I chose the Blackberry. I like to keep up with the latest news also and have found it easy to add extras to my phone. My Blackberry gives me everything I could desire and more. I love paying online and also setting up automatic payments right from my phone. No more running home to do everything on the computer. My friends and I are talking all the time, setting up dates and parties and get togethers for the NFL games. I would be lost without my phone as it is like having a big circle of friends and family surrounding me at any time.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Sunday, September 12, 2010
It is Hot Again!

It is over 80 in the house and we have all the windows open. The problem is that there is not a whisper of a breeze outside. I decided I had it and shut all the windows and turned on the air conditioner. That's what we have it for and I want to use it. It won't take long and it will be livable in here again. Holly is panting something awful and she doesn't seem to take the heat like she did when she was younger. She is going to be 12 years old on the 25th. I hate to see her growing that old. But we are growing old with her :0)
Alikes Singles
Advertising Banners
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Wash Day
Affordable Health Insurance and Medical Benefits
Friday, September 10, 2010
Accutane Lawsuit
Cleaning out the Car
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Gold Bullion
The Garage
At the Met
I've been taking a couple of art history classes at the local college just for fun in my spare time during retirement. So when we decided that we were going to New York City for vacation this summer my husband looked up a bunch of art museums for us to go to.
The first and most important one that we wanted to go to was the Metropolitan Museum of Art. When we were there I was trying to explain to my husband the historical significance of one of the paintings that I learned about in class and he couldn't hear me. It was a little embarrassing that he kept asking me to repeat myself loudly in a hushed museum so when we went back to the hotel I looked up Free Hearing Tests and Miracle Ear locations. I told him that he just needed to go and get checked out about that when he got home after we finished playing tourists in NYC by going to the Statue of Liberty and Times Square.
New Neighbors
Black Canadian Dating
Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Little children are so cute to watch. This is a picture of two of our great grandchildren. We call it "Let's Dance". They are almost the same age except for a few days. They get along so well together. It is fun to watch them at play. It is so nice they can grow up together. I am sure they will be close all their lives and that is great to see.
Friday, September 3, 2010
Get Your Teaching Degree Online from USC
This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of USC. All opinions are 100% mine.
I know most of my friends that, I work with, have taken night classes after work in order to get their Masters of Art Teaching Degree at the local college. I have seen them drive off after a hard day's work to sit in a class and try to absorb what is being taught when they are so tired out already from a full day on the job. I found out that you can get that degree right online from USC without all that hastle and easily get the program information. It is so much better to study at home online on your own schedule. You can rest up a little with the time that you would have spent on the road to the college and then start work online with your studies. USC has been ranked #22 in the USA and #9 by US News and World Report from among all private universities. Now I think that is really saying something about this school. You can also have the opportunity of learning from field based opportunities right there in your own area along with the interactive online studies. Their teaching staff is well recognized for their contributions to education. Additionally, you have the opportunity of learning from an institution that has been doing this for over 100 years. They will also help you with their special tuition program, a real asset also. You will also have all the benefits of a USC student, taking part in commencement, free Alumini memberships and also and the chance to become a part of the elite USC Trojan family. You want to be sure to check out their technology video and also look into scholarships at this renowned online university.
Furious Wind
Athlete's Foot Fungus
This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of goviral. All opinions are 100% mine.
A person generally doesn't pay all that much attention to their feet. However, when the skin gets unusually dry and you begin to have itching and soreness between your toes, you then pay attention. You know something is going on that shouldn't be happening. We have seen many cases where the kids all take showers together and pick it up in the shower room from others who have it. It can be very uncomfortable and it sometimes it takes a trip to the doctor to find out what is going on. However, now there is Lamisil that you can buy over the counter to treat your athlete's foot fungus. If you apply it as directed, you will get great results and relief from your athlete's foot fungus.My husband got a bad case of athlete's foot fungus and his toenails got a funny color. Then they began to thicken up and we knew something was not right. He said they even felt kind of numb. Every time he tried to trim his toenails, it seemed they got harder and harder to cut. You could even trim off some of the tough part but it didn't seem to change anything. Because they began to hurt him, we went to the doctor first and she said he had fungus under his toenails. We had never heard of such a thing. She gave him a prescription medicine to use but that did not work so we went to the pharmacist because he was quite knowledgeable. He recommended Lamisil for my husband's athlete's foot fungus and it worked for him. If anyone asks us about it, we always recommend it as a great product to take care of the fungus. It is so nice to be rid of it and have normal nails again and no uncomfortable hurting and itching.