This is my younger brother.He needs to check into this online website for Freeze It to find relief. For three years of his life, he delivered motorhomes all over the 48 states, bumping along all kinds of roads, both good and bad. Then he drove semis delivering all kinds of products all over the United States, bouncing on the seats, shaking every muscle and bone in his body. When it was snowing, he had to climb way down out of those big trucks and he isn't very tall and he would slip on the ice and snow and often fall and bang up his knees, shins and pull every muscle, or so it felt like. He also hauled corn in for farmers from the field during several Octobers and Novembers the past few years, walking over rough ground to roll the tarps back and forth on top of the semis and while walking, hurting his feet and knees with every step. Not to mention the strain on arms and muscles, rolling those tarps. Now he is pretty much retired but he has had to have his one knee replaced and eventually the other one. Every step is a painful one and he uses a cane for assistance.Winning a lot of Freese It gel would go a long ways to aleviating his continual pain. To revlieve his painful movements, he needs Freeze It Gel. It is a great help to those, like my brother, who have trouble sleeping because they ache all over. By using Freeze It, it would relieve his persistant pain and discomfort and he could get good nights of sleep. It is also wonderful for arthritis and he has plenty of that from his job as semi driver riding the rough roads in those rough cabs.I know if he had a generous supply of Freeze It, he could surely put it to very good use on all his aching joints,muscles and back. It may save him some trips to the chiropractor by giving him the relief he needs.
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