Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Twenty-One Killed in Mexican Violence

On Thursday, a toddler died after the car he was traveling in crashed during a gun battle and a businessman was killed after leading a protest against violence. Besides that, four men were shot dead in front of a crowd at an amusement park. Within 24 hours across Mexico, 21 people died during 24 hours all together.

Mexico, which is waging a fierce battle against drug traffickers and other criminal gangs does not seem to be making much progress from the looks of it. In Ciudad Juarez, across the border from el Paso, Texas, the four men were shot inside a go-cart rental at the Xtreme amusement park Wednesday night. The park had been filled with teenagers, bicycling through obstacle courses, skating and rappelling.

So far the Police have no suspects and have not disclosed possible motives for the shootings. Elsewhere in the city, a used car salesman was shot to death while driving down a main boulevard hours after leading hundreds of other business owners in a protest against kidnappings and extortion. It looks to me like they have a great deal more to do before the violence is stopped.

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