If these two guys didn't have any bad luck, they would have no luck at all. They were two white supremacists that were charged with plotting to behead blacks across the country and assassinate Barack Obama. They were going to wear white top hats and tuxes but they were likely too disorganized to carry out the plot. The authorities said their planning was riddled with blunders.
Among the blunders were that they drew attention to themselves by etching swastikas on a car with sidewalk chalk. They had only known each other for a month. They could not even pull off a house robbery and to top it off, a friend ratted them out to authorities. With friends like that, who needs enemies?
Paul Schlesselman, age 18 of Helena-West Helena, Arkansas and Daniel Coward, age 20 of Bells are accused of dreaming up the plan. The authorities said they had guns capable of creating carnage but documents show they never got close to getting off the ground with their plan. I think their lights were on, but nobody was home - as they say.
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Thursday, October 30, 2008
Medical Equipment
Almost every family has needed various types of medical equipment in their homes at one time or another. Now there is an easy way to order what you need and have it delivered to your door. And if it is something you are going to need on a weekly or monthly basis or some sort of regular deliver, you can set that up with this company. They have a huge inventory of medical supplies and equipment of all kinds. Blood pressure monitors and diabetic supplies can be ordered from them. All kinds of first aid materials can be ordered from this online website medical equipment. They have been serving more than a million customers and were founded in l996. In l998 they expanded to include Maternity and baby supplies, Exercise and Fitness Equipment and Outdoor Gear, as well. Check them out. I feel you will find all you need at this website.
Celtics Open Defense of Title with Win
NBA finals MVP Paul Pierce scored 27 points and the defending champion Boston Celtics followed an emotional ring ceremony and banner raising with a 90-85 victory over the Cleveland Cavaliers on Tuesday night. It was a Celtics' first.
LaBron James scored 22, but missed a driving layup with 41 seconds left and two free throws in the last 11 seconds. It was exciting. It was their first game since beating the L.A. Lakers to clinch their record 17th NBA title.
Boston honored the 2007-2008 team with a 20 minute ceremony that brought Pierce to tears. He has been on the team the longest and was choked up when he was handed the championship trophy by Hall of Famer, John Havlicek. He was choked up again when he received his ring from owner Wyc Grousbeck. After all the players got their beautiful rings, Pierce took the lead in pulling the ropes that slide the "2008 World Champions" banner into the rafters among all the others.
"It is moments like these that you cherish" Pierce said "and whenever you can raise that banner and grab that ring, and be there in front of the people closest to you, it is very emotional."
LaBron James scored 22, but missed a driving layup with 41 seconds left and two free throws in the last 11 seconds. It was exciting. It was their first game since beating the L.A. Lakers to clinch their record 17th NBA title.
Boston honored the 2007-2008 team with a 20 minute ceremony that brought Pierce to tears. He has been on the team the longest and was choked up when he was handed the championship trophy by Hall of Famer, John Havlicek. He was choked up again when he received his ring from owner Wyc Grousbeck. After all the players got their beautiful rings, Pierce took the lead in pulling the ropes that slide the "2008 World Champions" banner into the rafters among all the others.
"It is moments like these that you cherish" Pierce said "and whenever you can raise that banner and grab that ring, and be there in front of the people closest to you, it is very emotional."
World Series Game 5
Well, folks, the World Series is over again for another year. It was quite exciting though wasn't it? I am sure the Philadelphia Phillies are floating on clouds today after their big win last night. It was the first time in history that a game was suspended and then the finish played out 2 days later. The rain literally destroyed the field, making it a muddy mess. They had to cover it with tarp as the rain kept on for another day. But once they got back on the field, the Phillies beat the Rays for the title and they were riding high. Quite exciting since they hadn't won since l980. It would have been a great win for the Rays too, but it wasn't to be.
Degree Online
You know you have been wanting to finish getting your degree. Or perhaps you have not been able to get a degree and are seriously thinking now about registering for classes to get a degree. But just the thought of traveling to the nearest college stops you in your tracks, thinking of all the gas it costs to get there. Considering how tired you are at night, is it worth the trouble? Now you can go to this online website degree online and sign up with Capella University, a fully accredited online university. They have a great deal to offer in both undergraduate and graduate degrees. And you are able to get their podcasts which come out on a regular basis. The latest is "Inside Online Education" and if you are interested in reading and a literacy program, you may want to get this podcast.
This post was based on information provided by Blogitive. For more information, please visit Blogitive.com.
This post was based on information provided by Blogitive. For more information, please visit Blogitive.com.
Kids Do the Darndest Things

Our little great granddaughter is always exploring. She is very active and really gets around. I know she keeps her Mom hopping to keep up with her. Just wait till she is walking and running. I remember the days. They can climb almost anywhere and get into almost everything.
You really have to keep an eye on them and locks on the cupboards because nothing is more fun than pulling out all the pots and pans and playing with them. I think it is more fun to them than toys. Then if they can crawl fast or start walking, it is another challenge to keep up with them. The only time Mom gets rest is when they are napping. I think the little wheels in their brains are turning all the time to think of things to do and get into. It doesn't seem to matter how many toys they have, they will always be looking for something else to find to play with.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Twenty-One Killed in Mexican Violence

On Thursday, a toddler died after the car he was traveling in crashed during a gun battle and a businessman was killed after leading a protest against violence. Besides that, four men were shot dead in front of a crowd at an amusement park. Within 24 hours across Mexico, 21 people died during 24 hours all together.
Mexico, which is waging a fierce battle against drug traffickers and other criminal gangs does not seem to be making much progress from the looks of it. In Ciudad Juarez, across the border from el Paso, Texas, the four men were shot inside a go-cart rental at the Xtreme amusement park Wednesday night. The park had been filled with teenagers, bicycling through obstacle courses, skating and rappelling.
So far the Police have no suspects and have not disclosed possible motives for the shootings. Elsewhere in the city, a used car salesman was shot to death while driving down a main boulevard hours after leading hundreds of other business owners in a protest against kidnappings and extortion. It looks to me like they have a great deal more to do before the violence is stopped.
October - Breast Cancer Awareness Month
October is almost over but all 12 months of the year should be Breast Cancer Awareness months. It just happens that my annual mammogram has been scheduled for the last several years in October. I go this morning for that and a bone density test. You can have one of those every year or every two years.
They have a new injection you have probably heard on television for bones. It is called "Reclast" and is given at the hospital by a nurse and takes only 15 minutes and then you don't have to take a pill a week or a pill a month, depending on which your doctor prescribes for you.
I think it is a great thing not to have to buy pills all year long and take one every week and stay on your feet or sit upright for 30 minutes first thing in the morning before you can eat or take any other meds you may take. It is very cold this morning - 20 degrees so will dress warmly. The hospital is only about 10 miles away so won't take long to get there and back.
They have a new injection you have probably heard on television for bones. It is called "Reclast" and is given at the hospital by a nurse and takes only 15 minutes and then you don't have to take a pill a week or a pill a month, depending on which your doctor prescribes for you.
I think it is a great thing not to have to buy pills all year long and take one every week and stay on your feet or sit upright for 30 minutes first thing in the morning before you can eat or take any other meds you may take. It is very cold this morning - 20 degrees so will dress warmly. The hospital is only about 10 miles away so won't take long to get there and back.
Fantasy Football - Play with the Edge
Fastasy Football has really come into its own in the last couple of years. I have a nephew who eats, sleeps and breathes football. This website WaiverWire Beta is just made for him. He would love to sign up to get all the player stats and rankings and basic sign up is FREE. It is not only good for the present football season but for future football seasons as well. He can set up his Fantasy Football team and his friends are going to wonder how he got all his great information and what makes him that much sharper and smarter than they are. But of course, being the good guy he is, he would probably want to share this great website with all his friends also. Not only can he get the most real time player news updated by the minute 24/7 for a small charge, but he can find how all the latest player injuries and projections of how the teams are expected to do. Who is going to be out there playing on the field and who is going to be sitting on the bench. This is just some of the news he can use all the time to be the best at playing against his friends with the sharpest team in Fantasy Football. But there is also a great deal more information he can sign up for free. This is an all encompassing website that has it all and there is more coming yet like the War Room and The Draft Tool for 2009. It is very exciting for everyone loving football.

Monday, October 27, 2008
Candy, Candy, Everywhere for Halloween

Yes, we have to get out those bags of candy for the Trick and Treaters Friday night. That is Halloween and the neighbor kids all come around in their cute and scary costumes to consume candy. If you want them to come, you just put on your porch light. We always do that. Although we don't have a big crowd there seems to be more kids in the neighborhood this year.
Holly will get all excited when she sees the costumes and will probably bark. She is the type of dog that rarely barks and sounds funny when she does. She isn't a bit mean and will be more scared of the kids than they are of her because they know she loves everyone. Anyway it will be fun to see the kids in their costumes. You always have a princess or two and some really ugly scary ones too. But no matter how they are dressed, they are happy to get treats.
Are You Getting Placebos or Prescription Med
This really makes you wonder when you read that half of American doctors in a new survey say they regularly give patients placebo treatments which are usually drugs or vitamins that won't really help their condition. What is the purpose in this? You pay good money to go to the doctor to get well and what if he doesn't give you the real medicine you need to get well?
Also, many of these doctors are not honest with their patients about what they are doing. The American Medical Association recommends doctors to use treatments with the full knowledge of their patients. This contradicts their advice to the doctors. It is disturbing. Placebos are defined in the survey were any treatment that wouldn't necessarily help the patient. I think that is a little scary.
Also, many of these doctors are not honest with their patients about what they are doing. The American Medical Association recommends doctors to use treatments with the full knowledge of their patients. This contradicts their advice to the doctors. It is disturbing. Placebos are defined in the survey were any treatment that wouldn't necessarily help the patient. I think that is a little scary.
Strictly Health
Are you looking for a quick weight loss plan? Would you like to use diet pills but also want to find out about body sculpting in order to get your once beautiful figure back in shape? Then you simply must check out this website http://www.weightlossguide.com , designed by a woman who fought her own weight problem for 16 years. She knows exactly how to go about making your weight loss goals.

Sunday, October 26, 2008
Auto Firms Make Cuts
The ever shrinking U.S. auto industry continued to cut back Thursday as Chrysler LLC announced it would get rid of 1,825 factory jobs and General Motors Corp. trimmed some benefits and said it would make further white collar cuts. Chrysler said the jobs would be eliminated at the end of the year when it closes a sport utility vehicle plant ahead of schedule at Newark, Delaware and eliminates a shift at a Toledo, Ohio, jeep plant. This is as the shaky U.S. economy speeds the industry's out of control slide.
At General Motors, senior managers sent a memo to executives on Wednesday saying early retirement and buyout offers to white collar workers had been well received but that the company would still have to make involuntary layoffs. Winnebago Industries is also continuing to layoff workers and some workers work one week on and one week off and draw unemployment in between. They are hoping to come out of this slump pretty soon too.
At General Motors, senior managers sent a memo to executives on Wednesday saying early retirement and buyout offers to white collar workers had been well received but that the company would still have to make involuntary layoffs. Winnebago Industries is also continuing to layoff workers and some workers work one week on and one week off and draw unemployment in between. They are hoping to come out of this slump pretty soon too.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
It is P.O.E.T.S. Day Today
If you have worked around an office for very long, you have probably heard T.G.I.F. alot but it was only a few years ago that I heard about P.O.E.T.S. day. Today is Saturday and most of us don't have to work today. This is the day you catch up on all your errands and cleaning around the house or apartment. Grocery shopping is high on the list and then maybe out for a steak tonight at a nice restaurant.
Got to get everything caught up that you let slide during the week so you can attend the church of your choice tomorrow. Some churches are having services Saturday nights now so that Sunday is a free day to go places and whatever is on your list of things to do.
It has been pretty cold and wet here so the lawn mowing is done for the year. The farmers are fit to be tied because they can't get into the fields to get the corn out. Sure hope it dries up soon before the snow flies or there will be real problems with the harvest.
Got to get everything caught up that you let slide during the week so you can attend the church of your choice tomorrow. Some churches are having services Saturday nights now so that Sunday is a free day to go places and whatever is on your list of things to do.
It has been pretty cold and wet here so the lawn mowing is done for the year. The farmers are fit to be tied because they can't get into the fields to get the corn out. Sure hope it dries up soon before the snow flies or there will be real problems with the harvest.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Game 2 World Series
The second game of the World Series was played at St. Petersburg, Florida last night. The Tampa Bay Rays pulled it out with all their tricks at Tropicana Field to tie the World Series. That is what keeps it fun. I think it isn't nearly as much fun when one team wins right straight through and then it is over in 4 games.
James Shields stymied the slumping Philadelphia Phillies, rookie David Price and got the final seven outs and Tampa Bay rebounded from a rare home loss with a 4-2 victory last night that made it 1-all. Game 3 shifts back to Philadelphia on Saturday night, even though they are predicting rain. It should be fun and exciting.
James Shields stymied the slumping Philadelphia Phillies, rookie David Price and got the final seven outs and Tampa Bay rebounded from a rare home loss with a 4-2 victory last night that made it 1-all. Game 3 shifts back to Philadelphia on Saturday night, even though they are predicting rain. It should be fun and exciting.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Musical Instruments
Do you play a musical instrument of any kind? I think it is good for every child to learn to play something when they are young. Even if they never play it again when they are grown, that knowledge is always there. I took piano lessons when I was in 7th and 8th grade and I never really got very good at it. I could read music but I could never get the beat right.
If I heard a song, I could play it, otherwise it was very difficult for me. That is what they call playing by ear. I have a Yamaha little organ that plays all kinds of instruments and every now and then I plug it in and play it awhile. You have to brush up on your playing but you never really forget it altogether.
If I heard a song, I could play it, otherwise it was very difficult for me. That is what they call playing by ear. I have a Yamaha little organ that plays all kinds of instruments and every now and then I plug it in and play it awhile. You have to brush up on your playing but you never really forget it altogether.
Nebraska Injury Accident Attorney
Have you been feeling poorly since that car ran into the back of you? Is it hard to turn your head? If you have not already been to a doctor you had better get in to see one as soon as possible because this type of injury is very hard to diagnose yourself. Often you have received a whiplash injury or dislocation or even a ruptured disc in your back.
It has been my experience that insurance companies will rush you into signing off on an accident so they can avoid paying possible large medical bills. Before you do another thing, contact a Nebraska Injury Accident Attorney at their website. You can telephone them or just go online and fill out the short form you will find there. Put in a brief description of your accident and they will let you know if you have a case. They are there to help you.
It has been my experience that insurance companies will rush you into signing off on an accident so they can avoid paying possible large medical bills. Before you do another thing, contact a Nebraska Injury Accident Attorney at their website. You can telephone them or just go online and fill out the short form you will find there. Put in a brief description of your accident and they will let you know if you have a case. They are there to help you.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Knee Surgery
My sister-in-law just had knee replacement surgery. It only took an hour and a half and she was back in her room shortly after. All went well and they bent her leg while she was out, to be sure it works well. I know she is glad that is over with and will be glad when she is walking again on that leg. She was walking bone on bone and it was very painful before the surgery.
It is wonderful what they can do now to replace parts. I have had both knees replaced and so glad that I did. She should only be in the hospital 3 or 4 days and then walk with a walker for a few weeks and some physical therapy and she is going to feel so much better.
It is wonderful what they can do now to replace parts. I have had both knees replaced and so glad that I did. She should only be in the hospital 3 or 4 days and then walk with a walker for a few weeks and some physical therapy and she is going to feel so much better.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Homemade Ice Cream
Don't you every get a craving for homemade ice cream? We sure do but making it is quite a chore. So instead, we buy Blue Bunny Homemade Style ice cream and is it good!! We love to pour lots of Hershey's chocolate sauce over it too and sometimes throw some fresh pecans on top. Yum Yum Is that ever good. You don't want to do it all the time or you will put on extra weight you don't need. But sometimes, you just gotta have a good dish of that homemade ice cream and it tastes homemade too. Don't you wish you were here to enjoy it with us? I bet you do.
Alzheimers and the Neighbors
We have found out that two of our former neighbors are both suffering from Alzheimers. The one neighbor and her husband always went to Texas every winter. However, this year she has gotten so bad that they are going to stay home. It is a sad situation for him as he is very active and not that old yet and when I saw them in the grocery store the other day, she just stared at me and smiled but didn't talk. I don't think she is even 70 yet.
The other neighbor fell and broke 7 ribs and cut one lung and is in the hospital. She will be there for a while as they had to put a tube in her lung to re-inflate it and let it heal. Once that is healed enough, they will be moving her to a nursing home. This is something her husband has been putting off as he surely did not want to do it. But now that she is injured, it has been taken out of his hands as she will need special care. It is really a sad situation and it makes you stop and count your blessings and we are very thankful for our good health.
The other neighbor fell and broke 7 ribs and cut one lung and is in the hospital. She will be there for a while as they had to put a tube in her lung to re-inflate it and let it heal. Once that is healed enough, they will be moving her to a nursing home. This is something her husband has been putting off as he surely did not want to do it. But now that she is injured, it has been taken out of his hands as she will need special care. It is really a sad situation and it makes you stop and count your blessings and we are very thankful for our good health.
Monday, October 20, 2008
OPEC May Cut Production
It sounds like OPEC is getting worried now that the gas price is finally getting down to where people can almost afford it. Now they are talking about cutting production as much as a million barrels per day. But analysts do not think it will make much difference in the short term. I sure hope that it won't raise any gas prices.
It is so nice to see it closer to $3 a gallon than $4 in our area anyway. Friday the price of a barrel of oil dropped below $70. If the USA would just get moving and drilling, we wouldn't have to depend on them at all and could even be selling our own oil to other countries.
They complain it will take 5 years to get it running but they have been saying that for 10 years and we could have had the oil for years by now. If they keep talking and doing nothing, we will never get our own oil. Light a fire under someone that counts and let's get drilling!!
It is so nice to see it closer to $3 a gallon than $4 in our area anyway. Friday the price of a barrel of oil dropped below $70. If the USA would just get moving and drilling, we wouldn't have to depend on them at all and could even be selling our own oil to other countries.
They complain it will take 5 years to get it running but they have been saying that for 10 years and we could have had the oil for years by now. If they keep talking and doing nothing, we will never get our own oil. Light a fire under someone that counts and let's get drilling!!
Friday, October 17, 2008
Social Security Gives a 5.8% Monthly Increase
For the typical retiree, their Social Security check is going to go up $63 a month. This is the largest raise in a quarter of a century. However, it is likely to look puny to those who have been watching Wall Street plunge, taking with it their life savings in 401k's, etc. But we are not looking down on it. We will be very happy to receive a bigger raise with everything going up so high - gas, groceries, etc.
In l982, there was a 7.4 percent increase and I can remember our brother-in-law who was 10 years older talking about the big raise he got. That was the last one until now. Last year the average increase was $24, and the year before it was even smaller, so this is quite a bit more. When you are living only on Social Security, you are very happy to get the raise. And they also said they would not raise the amount taken out for Medicare this year either so that is great too.
In l982, there was a 7.4 percent increase and I can remember our brother-in-law who was 10 years older talking about the big raise he got. That was the last one until now. Last year the average increase was $24, and the year before it was even smaller, so this is quite a bit more. When you are living only on Social Security, you are very happy to get the raise. And they also said they would not raise the amount taken out for Medicare this year either so that is great too.
Maritime Lawyer
Working on a ship is hard work and often times, men are injured on the job there, the same as any other job. However, with a maritime injury it may be quite another story to get disability or medical compensation. There are many various laws regarding the different workers and that is why it is very important that you get the right maritime lawyer as quickly as you can. The time it takes you to put in a claim is important because that time may be limited. You don't want to find yourself without a job or pay. How are you going to pay for your living and/or that of your family? It is best to check in with knowledgeable attorneys quickly to be sure you get financial reimbursement as fast as you can.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Graduate, and Now More College

This grandson graduated from the local 2-year college and now is at UNI studying for law enforcement. He was going to go into the Highway Patrol like his Uncle but now his Uncle is in the DCI so he is going to study for that. He has wanted to get into that kind of work since he was 3 I am told and I think he will do very well. It is really great to see your grandkids grow up and apply themselves in school and college and move on to great things. I am sure he will have a very successful career when he graduates once again from this college. It seems like only yesterday they were skating and riding bikes at our house. Time really flies.
Mcclaren Stroller
The Maclaren stroller is just ideal for my grandaughter to take her little girl for walks. It is well made with safety belts to keep her safely inside. The overhead hood protects her from the weather and I like the study wheels that are made to last a long time. It is apparent that the fabrics in these strollers are very good and are comfortable because the seat is padded. They are adjustable to three different positions which makes it nice when the little one gets tired, you can recline the seat and let them fall asleep. They make wonderful shower gifts and Christmas presents for everyone expecting a child or who already has a child but does not have a stroller yet. They are so lightweight that anyone can handle them, yet very sturdy and have so many great features.
Maclaren Strollers,
Chili and Cinnamon Rolls
How does that combination set with you? We are having sort of a contest at church on Sunday and 10 people are going to bring their favorite chili, enough to feed at least 20 people. Then 10 people are going to bring cinnamon rolls, enough to feed 10 people. Then they are going to have judges to judge whose chili is the best and whose cinnamon rolls are the best.
That combination of foods just doesn't go together as far as I am concerned. It sounds like one big upset stomach and heartburn when you put together chili spices and cinnamon. I would be interested to know if there are people out there who would like this combination of foods. I think I am going to have to pass on that menu. I love each separately, but not together.
That combination of foods just doesn't go together as far as I am concerned. It sounds like one big upset stomach and heartburn when you put together chili spices and cinnamon. I would be interested to know if there are people out there who would like this combination of foods. I think I am going to have to pass on that menu. I love each separately, but not together.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Shopping for Baby Gifts

Shopping for baby gifts has sure changed since my children were babies and young children under the age of two. They have added so many different varieties of clothing such as the tiniest little jeans for the tiny ones. And they have the cutest shirts too with great sayings and designs and all the bright colors. And as for toys, I didn't even recognize the toy aisle. There are so many action figures, computerized musical toys and educational toys. It is very hard to decide just what they would like best, but then little ones enjoy everything. And often end up playing with the box the gift came in. That is one thing that has not changed over the years. I remember as the children got older, they loved playing in a washer or dryer box and making a house out of it. Some things change with time but others remain the same.
Fashion Jewelry Sets
I love beautiful jewelry. I am making out a Christmas list for my husband and on it I have several pieces of jewelry I would really like to have. A beautiful new watch would be just wonderful and some bracelets. Mine are getting pretty old and outdated. He wondered how he could go about shopping for something for me and I suggested he go online and check out fashion jewelry sets as they have a large assortment of everything. I love their colors as they are so vivid and bright. Their craftsmanship experience shows in every piece of jewelry they sell. He can even get free shipping on an order over $85.
Are you a one stop shopping person or do you enjoy hitting all the stores? I have gotten more and more into being a one stop shopping person, doing a great deal of my shopping at Wal-Mart. I see the figures for sales at Wal-Mart were up whereas Target's were down. I was surprised that Target showed a loss in sales as it seems like everyone around here goes there to register for their weddings and baby showers.
Wal-Mart has really reorganized their store and it is so much easier to see across the store now to the various departments. I really like that as I am short and with shelves almost to the ceiling, it was difficult to find departments sometimes. One thing I really like about them is that they have plenty of knowledgeable help everywhere that will take you right to the spot you need.
They have a great grocery department too with everything you could possibly want and a pharmacy, jewelry, all the Vitamins and it seems unlimited. When we are ready for a new bird feeder we go there first. Last summer we picked up two great padded folding chairs to sit outside on. They are so comfortable compared to the plastic ones we had before and light weight to carry to picnics, fireworks, etc. Pet supplies, toys for the kids, clothing, you name it, they seem to have it and they are in a new location on the edge of town so we don't need to drive through town through all the traffic to get there. I guess Wal-Mart is our favorite store.
Wal-Mart has really reorganized their store and it is so much easier to see across the store now to the various departments. I really like that as I am short and with shelves almost to the ceiling, it was difficult to find departments sometimes. One thing I really like about them is that they have plenty of knowledgeable help everywhere that will take you right to the spot you need.
They have a great grocery department too with everything you could possibly want and a pharmacy, jewelry, all the Vitamins and it seems unlimited. When we are ready for a new bird feeder we go there first. Last summer we picked up two great padded folding chairs to sit outside on. They are so comfortable compared to the plastic ones we had before and light weight to carry to picnics, fireworks, etc. Pet supplies, toys for the kids, clothing, you name it, they seem to have it and they are in a new location on the edge of town so we don't need to drive through town through all the traffic to get there. I guess Wal-Mart is our favorite store.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Family Time

My sister is coming up this morning from our home town. She wants to join me and my brother for lunch today. It was a nice sunny day but now it has gotten cloudy and they predict rains for tomorrow and Sunday. We all live in different towns and I have been really busy this morning and won't be able to join them this noon. It is not our normal habit to go out to lunch at noon, but more in the evening. Since we aren't used to eating a heavy meal at noon, we don't enjoy it as much as going out at night. We went to the fish fry last night and were joined by two former neighbors, plus my husband's brother and his wife. She is going to have knee replacement surgery on Oct 22 and it hurts her so bad now, I'm not sure how she is going to walk on it for 2 more weeks. I am sure she wishes she had done it sooner now. They say it just takes longer to recuperate from this surgery if you put it off too long.
Panamanian Condo Hotel
Beautiful Panama is a place where we would love to live. It has a view of many colorful fishing boats, huge tankers, sailboats and off in the distance, cruise ships. It has a unique sense of character and history here and Casco Antiguo, especially. This is a beautiful place and Hotel Casco Antiguo is Panama City's oldest continuously operating hotel. Now it is being rejuvenated and remodeled so that it will become the most exciting urban destination in Panama. Work on Hotel Casco Antiguo which will be started next year and will be ideal place for us to live or vacation or spend our holidays. We would be able to get our choice of condos at this early date.
Hotel Casco Antiguo will have available 34 of the most beautiful condos, and we would be able to buy some of the most exciting property. I know we would enjoy the rooftop terrace, bar and pool and get in much sunbathing. Building will begin in 2009. Don't miss out on an opportunity to live in a luxurious condo in a city that has a rich mix of architectures and cultures. For more information on this Hotel Casco Antiguo, check out this online website and Register for an eBrochure Here. It's a great opportunity for investment in one of the fastest growing real estate markets in the world.
The condos have all the 5 star amenities that we are looking for with concierge lifestyle service. It is total luxury and beautiful views of the city. We can indulge ourselves and invite friends to join us in investing in Hotel Casco Antiguo. In my opinion, now is the time to get in on this.

Hotel Casco Antiguo will have available 34 of the most beautiful condos, and we would be able to buy some of the most exciting property. I know we would enjoy the rooftop terrace, bar and pool and get in much sunbathing. Building will begin in 2009. Don't miss out on an opportunity to live in a luxurious condo in a city that has a rich mix of architectures and cultures. For more information on this Hotel Casco Antiguo, check out this online website and Register for an eBrochure Here. It's a great opportunity for investment in one of the fastest growing real estate markets in the world.
The condos have all the 5 star amenities that we are looking for with concierge lifestyle service. It is total luxury and beautiful views of the city. We can indulge ourselves and invite friends to join us in investing in Hotel Casco Antiguo. In my opinion, now is the time to get in on this.

Friday, October 10, 2008
Sports, Sports and More Sports
Are you a sports fan? In this house, there is always a game on the television. Most of the time, it is several football games. Basketball is a big favorite too and now it is coming into World Series time. Our son-in-law loves to watch Golf but it isn't a big favorite of ours since we are not golfers. NASCAR is exciting and it seems like there are more different sports all the time. If you are a sports lover, you are bound to find more than one game on television to your liking. And now with HDTV, it is so clear and the sound is so good and color is beautiful. I thought it was good before but it is even better now. So if you like to watch sports, then this is a good place to come as there is usually a game on TV especially on the weekends.
World Series
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Las Vegas Hotel Reservations
Here is the place to go for your las vegas hotel reservations. They have booked as many as 1,000 a day and they are trusted reservation specialists. At the present time, this is the time to book your trip to Vegas because you can book many of the hotel rooms at as much as 77% off the price they were last year. Now that is what I call a real savings, don't you? It will give you lots more money to have fun to gamble and see the shows. They have a simple two-step booking process at the best places in Las Vegas. What are you waiting for?
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Today is our 58th wedding anniversary. It has been a beautiful day so far. I have had a great deal of fun posting this afternoon and hope to do more before the day is over. But first, we are going out to our favorite Mexican restaurant. I just love their Enchiladas San Carlos with two kinds of sauces and stuffed with two kinds of chicken. My husband loves their beef Enchilada dinner and both dinners come with generous servings of spanish rice and refried beans. Before that though, they serve you bowls of great tortilla chips and we will get some Chili Con Queso cheese sauce for dipping along with the red salsa. And you wash it all down with huge glasses of ice cold Pepsi. It is sooo good. We always have so much that we bring home part of it for lunch the next day. And I think it is just as good or better than the night before. It is always a pleasure to dine at Carlos O'Kelly's, anytime, not just on special occasions.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
NBA Preseason
The Timberwolves beat the Milwaukee Bucks 117-79 Monday night. It looks like the Timberwolves may have acquired enough offensive threats to improve on last seasons 22-60 mark. Even though he had a brace on his right knee due to a sprained ligament, Al Jefferson still provided the bulk of the scoring for the Timberwolves. Mike Miller scored 12 points and rookie Kevin Love scored 16 but Al Jefferson scored 18 points and eight rebounds in 19 minutes. The Timberwolves were looking mighty good. Kevin Love hit a 3-pointer as Minnesota took a 60-37 halftime lead. That reached 45 points in the second half. It looks like their draft day trade is very promising.
Modern Furniture
If you are looking for some modern furniture at great prices, then be sure to check into this online website. They are a family owned business and have a large selection of all types of furniture. Because they are a family business, they can give you the customer service you have been wanting. No matter whether you are looking for something in leather or microfiber, you are sure to find it here. There are a number of beautiful colors also. For the contemporary furniture you have been searching for, look into their website for furniture for every room of your home.
Catching Colds
A fellow at church said Sunday that he had a cold and didn't want to get too close to us. However, I guess he did get too close because I got a raspy throat yesterday and didn't feel very well today. Now my husband says he is feeling kind of bad too.
So I went to the store and got some ZICAM tablets. They are supposed to nip a cold in the bud. They are quick dissolve and supposed to taste good and they do at first. But then by the time you get to the end of them, they taste just awful. And you are not supposed to drink anything (which is exactly what you want to do) for 15 minutes. If you still have symptoms of a cold, you can take one every three hours until you feel better or 3 times, I guess.
Anyway, I sure hope we feel better because I don't know that I want to take another one of those. You can't chew or swallow them whole either. You just have to let them "quick" dissolve in your mouth. I don't know what their idea of "quick" is but it is different from my idea of it. I think it took all of 10 minutes to dissolve completely.
So I went to the store and got some ZICAM tablets. They are supposed to nip a cold in the bud. They are quick dissolve and supposed to taste good and they do at first. But then by the time you get to the end of them, they taste just awful. And you are not supposed to drink anything (which is exactly what you want to do) for 15 minutes. If you still have symptoms of a cold, you can take one every three hours until you feel better or 3 times, I guess.
Anyway, I sure hope we feel better because I don't know that I want to take another one of those. You can't chew or swallow them whole either. You just have to let them "quick" dissolve in your mouth. I don't know what their idea of "quick" is but it is different from my idea of it. I think it took all of 10 minutes to dissolve completely.
Monday, October 6, 2008
Wall Street Crashes

During the day today, Wall Street crashed down over 800 points, the biggest ever yet. I believe by the end of the day, it was down 300 points. People are seeing their 401k's evaporate before their eyes. Everyone I talk to says their 401k's are looking pretty sick. We have yet to see the results of the big 700 billion dollar bailout and I heard it will take several days to tell what effect it has on anything. Now we are hearing about businesses further down the line that are going bankrupt or near it. Who is next? What is next? They haven't seen anything like this since 1929. The Dow is down over 1000 in a short time. No one seems to know where it is heading. It is anyone's guess. Those who have their homes paid for and credit cards paid up and no car payment have got to be in the best shape. And yet, people who never thought they would be laid off or lose their job are having just that happen to them. It is a scary and sad situation for many people. And with grocery and gas prices rising so much, those on limited incomes are hurting even more. Food banks and free kitchens are giving away more food and serving more meals in towns you would never expect. There was one on the news tonight just 20 miles from us that has a run on their stockpile of canned goods and foods for the needy.
O.J. Simpson Convicted
At last, as some would say, O.J. Simpson is going to get his just rewards. Not for murdering his wife and Ron Goldman but for armed robbery and kidnapping. The jury said they didn't need witnesses to convict O.J. but they could more on the video and other documented evidence. They felt they just couldn't rely on the witnesses testimonies. Simpson, who is 61 years old, will be sentenced in December and kept in jail until then. They had better keep him in jail or he will disappear faster than any magician's act. I cannot feel one bit sorry for him. I think it is about time some justice caught up with him. They had better not put him in with the general population of the state prison. Who knows what could happen? I wouldn't want to be in his shoes, would you?
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Poker for Fun
Every day my husband and I play a poker game on the internet. It is a free game and consists of 6 hands of 5 card poker. It is fun to see who beats the other at the game, although it we know it is all a game of chance. My husband is on a winning streak right now and we just started a new game yesterday. He is behind for a change and maybe I will win this week.
I won two or three games in a row and then he won two games in a row. It is really exciting when you get more than just a pair or three of a kind. A straight or flush is better, however, it is exciting to get double jokers and get l,000 or a while back I got a Royal Flush for 5,000. That seems to only happen once in 3 or 4 years. You can get a 2,000 hand once in a blue moon and that is exciting. But every day is different and every game is different so it never gets boring and we look forward to a little free fun.
We don't frequent Casinos as we don't gamble for money but we have a good time playing 5 hands of free Poker online.
I won two or three games in a row and then he won two games in a row. It is really exciting when you get more than just a pair or three of a kind. A straight or flush is better, however, it is exciting to get double jokers and get l,000 or a while back I got a Royal Flush for 5,000. That seems to only happen once in 3 or 4 years. You can get a 2,000 hand once in a blue moon and that is exciting. But every day is different and every game is different so it never gets boring and we look forward to a little free fun.
We don't frequent Casinos as we don't gamble for money but we have a good time playing 5 hands of free Poker online.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Food Worth Traveling For
We love the Pizza Ranch. It always has the most fresh salad bar and the best broasted chicken. Tonight they had a little problem with their mashed potatoes. They were quite late getting them out but the broasted potatoes were done. I love them with lots of real butter. We usually go on Tuesday nights but on Thursday night they have my favorite spiral macaroni salad. I don't know how it is made but I love it. They had BBQ chicken pizza tonight and if you know me, I am always willing to try something new. It was really good. The BBQ sauce was just right. Their regular BBQ chicken isn't to my liking but this was really good. I will have some again when they have it. We always get an apple cactus bread dessert too and it was so very good. We will be back next week. You can bet on that. And we had a $5 birthday coupon for my husband's birthday so we couldn't beat that.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Beautiful Hair
I went to get my hair cut and permed this morning. They do a beautiful job of fixing your hair just the way you want it. They have been doing a little remodeling in the beauty shop and have gotten in some new chairs. New dryers will be next I am sure and they have been redoing the floor too. It is great to have a dependable salon operator that knows your hair and how long it takes to curl. You can get it too loose or too curly, but she always gets it just the way I want it. That is worth alot.
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