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Monday, September 29, 2008
Beauty Shops
All women have a favorite beauty shop. Maybe even two are their favorites. We have a small one in town here that I have been going to for quite a few years now. Wednesday I will be going in for a new permanent. I keep my hair short and curly - just brush it and go. When I wash it, it dries in no time at all. Windy days are not a problem. My husband wishes he had half of my hair :0) I used to color it but decided it was too much trouble and cost so have let it go now and is slowly turning white but think I will always have some dark hair in it as my one grandmother had black hair when she died in her 80's. It is nice to have one beauty operator that is as much a friend as doing your hair. She has been there 38 years. When we lived in California I went to the same beauty shop but I think I got a new girl every month, they changed beauty operators so often.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Halloween is right around the corner. Next week is October already. One of our neighbors already has orange lights strung along their deck. I used to work with a girl who just loved decorating for Halloween more than she enjoyed decorating for Christmas. She really went all out with the spider webs all around her desk with spiders in them and a great deal more. I have a big pumpkin that is made out of something that never fades and I have had it for many years. I always put it in the window but that is all the decorating I do. Do you like to celebrate Halloween? We used to take the kids Trick and Treating in costume when they were small. We enjoy all the neighbor kids who come to the door and seeing them dressed up.
Friday, September 26, 2008
O.J. Simpson Hits the News Again
This trial coming up is in the news almost every day now. Thursday an O.J. witness decided to take a plea deal and accuse Simpson in court after he said God had answered his prayers by telling him to do the right thing. Alexander said that O.J. said to just bring guns so they would know we mean business. He was the first one to admit to carrying a weapon into the Palace Station Casino hotel room. After he took a pounding cross examination, he said maybe he shouldn't have taken the deal and then he wouldn't have had to be badgered on the stand by Simpson's lawyer. Today we got another story from a witness that thought he probably shouldn't have taken the stand at all because his testimony would undermine the prosecution's case. There seems to be a lot of different stories popping up here and we're betting O.J. will slither out of this the same way he got out of murdering his wife.
Washington D.C. Bank Goes Broke
I just heard on the news that the biggest bank in Washington, D.C. went broke overnight. It was bought out by another big bank. People are making a run or as they say it, a walk on the bank, drawing out millions. They don't understand that their money is safe and if Government insured. It sure is reminiscent of the stock market crash of 1929. Some rich people have lost billions. It used to be a million was a lot of money but not anymore. If you don't have billions, they don't notice you at all. I don't have to worry about that though as I am not even a thousandaire and I made that word up myself. I am sure people in small towns like ours are beginning to wonder about their own banks. However, we have had a number of articles in the local papers reassuring people that our banks are safe. They do not do the huge unstable mortgage lending that the big national banks do. It is comforting to do business with a family owned business that has been in business over 100 years.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Cell Phone Danger?
You hear all kinds of things about cell phones these days? But we are wondering if they are safe in a car during a lightning storm. A couple weeks ago, a young man was electrocuted in his car during a lightning storm. My husband had always thought we were safe in the car because it is grounded by its four rubber tires. Is it possible that the lightning followed into the car to his cell phone? If it can do that in your home, why not in your car. I wish someone would look into this and see if it is possible. If it is, everyone with a cell phone in their car is in danger of a deadly lightning strike.
Auto Insurance Quotes
Do not waste your time driving around to insurance companies, phoning them and asking your friends which are the best auto insurance quotes. I have a simple solution for you. Just go online to this website and they have every type of insurance you could possibly be looking for. It is easy. All you have to do is put click in the type of insurance quote you are looking for, put in your zip code and enter. They will furnish you with all kinds of companies and quotes. You can compare rates and see what will work best for you and no doubt, save you some money.
Vikings Linebacker Wally Hilgenberg Dies
Wally Hilgenberg died Tuesday after a long battle with Lou Gehrig's (ALS) disease. He was only 66. That is a terrible disease where you are trapped in a body that won't respond but your mind is still ok. He once said, however, that it wasn't when you go, it is where you go, and he was right about that. We hope to see him again in Heaven one day. He played college in Iowa and then spent 16 seasons in the NFL. Twelve of those years he was with the Minnesota Vikings. He led the team in total tackles and started 116 games out of the 157 he played for the Vikings. He was a great football player.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008

One of life's joys is having children. Then you watch them grow up and get married and have children of their own. What is really neat is when those children begin to have their children, the 4th generation. Of course we think our little great granddaughter is the cutest of them all but I know everyone feels the same about theirs. Would like to share another picture of her with you.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Drilling in Alaska
I saw the real ANWAR of Alaska on television this morning on the 700 club. Everyone is shown pictures of beautiful flowers, mountains, herds of wild animals and there is really absolutely none of that where they want to drill. In fact it looks like waste land, and at the right angle could be mistaken for the Planet Mars it is so desolate. I heard also that due to the warm oil pipeline going through carabao country that they are multiplying like crazy because they love the heat from it and love being near it. Can this be bad? There are no herds of animals on the few thousand acres they wish to drill on and there is enough oil there to make us independent and save the United States billions of dollars a day. Why give that money to other countries when we have enough oil in our own country for ourselves and to sell to others? Anybody standing in the way of the United States having plenty of oil for ourselves has a few marbles missing.
Moving Companies
I have literally moved about 25 times in my lifetime and just thinking about moving again gives me a major headache. Getting a rental truck or U-Haul is a pain as you have to go get it and then unload it and drop it off somewhere else. Calling one of the name brand moving companies can set you back a fortune. But with moving companies website you can find out to make the move stress free and save money too. You just give them a call and they will bring a ReloCube to your home or an empty trailer and you can take your time and pack it in three days. Because you pack it, you save money, they will drive it and you will unpack it within three days at your new home. Transportation charges and gas are included in the price. Check it out for a stress free move.
Death in the Family
We just got word that our daughter-in-law's father died about an hour ago at the age of 81. He had a lot of illness these past 2 years and then was hit by a car in his wheel chair a few weeks back. It was all downhill from there when he was just having a good recovery from a stay in the local hospital. Last week my Aunt died at age 90, living a good life nearly up to the end and she was ready to go. Then the week before that our son-in-law's mother died at age 90 of alzheimers. That is a terrible disease and she is at rest now. Yesterday we found out a good friend was given a week to live with cancer. Such a sad thing for her family of many children and her husband. I would guess her to be about 70. Death seems to come in three's or at least we imagine that everything seems to come in three's. Does it seem that way to you?
Sunday, September 21, 2008
My Youngest Great Granddaughter

She is really getting around. She keeps her Mom running. She will be walking very soon. She is so good natured and smiles all the time. We just love to see pictures of her when they some through the email. I thought I would post her picture on here too so everyone could see her. She's a little doll and we sure love her.
Friday, September 19, 2008
Tony Little Gazelle
Awhile back our Tony Little Gazelle broke a cable. We both used it every day to walk 30 minutes for our health. We got new parts but it was so hard to fix, we just ordered a new one so that we could have it immediately. It came quickly, got it put together and put it to good use right away. My husband used to walk 2 miles a day uptown, but he says this gives his legs more exercise and it is low impact on your knees. We sure to like it and make sure to walk 30 minutes or more each day. I find I can walk farther since I have been using the Gazelle. It is a great walking exerciser.
A dehumidifier can make all the difference in a home. So often allergy sufferers are allergic to the danders and pollens that get inside our homes. A good one will clean the air and take out all the extra humidity that often causes molds to form also. This company has them for every place in your home, even crawl spaces. It is a very good idea especially in the basement to keep one running during the heat and humidity season. You can even get a whole home dehumidifier. I would like to have one like that and it would take care of it all. With pets around, you always have something in the air and this would be the solution.
Contact Lenses
Why pay so much for new contact lenses when you can get them at this website and save some money. They have all the big names in lenses and you can have them shipped right to your door. They have a million lenses in stock so they are sure to have the ones you want. And they give you a 30 day guarantee too. You can save as much as 70% off retail prices and get free shipping also on orders over $89. In fact if your order is over $100, you can have them bill you later and have 90 days free of payments to start with. Check out their contact lens catalog.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
O.J. Simpson Trial
Well, what do you think? Do you think he is innocent or guilty? I think he has gotten away with enough. I feel he's a murderer who would stop at nothing but thinks he can get away with anything. They have a tape that includes the voices of Simpson and several other men planning to confront the memorabilia peddlers. You just don't go in and take stuff because you think it is rightfully yours. If that was true, he would have gotten a lawyer and gone about it the right way. But it sounds like he hired men to rob those guys. They have FBI experts testifying as to whether videotapes are good or not or have been altered or not. This guy is so slippery, he will do anything to get out of this. I hope they get him for the full count and he goes to prison for the rest of his life. It would be just payment for the murder of his wife and Ron Goldman. How come when O.J. tried on the glove in the courtroom, he was allowed to have a rubber glove on? Of course, it wouldn't fit then. My husband always brings that up when they start talking about that murder trial. It is like everyone is blind to that detail.
Taco Salads
I think we are going to have Taco Salads for supper tonight. If you have a good crispy shell filled with crispy lettuce all shredded and some good taco meat, that is a good start. You need to have some bits of tomato, onion, and green pepper too. And last but not least some cheese on top, sour cream and hot salsa. Sound good? Well it sure is and we are looking forward to it. And best of all I don't have to make them, we are going out for supper tonight. Let someone else clean up and do the dishes. Their small taco salad is quite large and the large is gigantic.
Cobblestone Inn and Suites
Our little town of 3,000 or less is going to get a beautiful Cobblestone Inn and Suites Motel in the near future. I suppose they will wait until Spring to start since winter is close but you never know. We have an old Motel on the junction of two main highways and they were going to build there but it fell through and now it will be built right on the main highway next to Hardees. Although they will probably serve a complimentary breakfast, it will be nice for guests to be able to walk over and grab a burger for lunch or a milkshake. We have a new Cobblestone addition of beautiful homes just around the corner from it, so that is probably why they chose that particular motel to encourage to build here with the same name. It is all quite exciting as one of the plants has a huge sign on their fence that they are now hiring. That is great when so many places are laying off.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Miami Heat Tickets
It is that time of year and you want Miami Heat Tickets but it is a headache trying to get them. If you do get some, they won't be where you want to sit. But suffer no longer. Check out this online website Miami Heat tickets where you will find the complete schedule and the tickets. They have a good supply of premium seats and you can view the tickets right there online for each game. Not only do they have premium seats for the games you want to go to but they also have them for the best shows, theater presentations, shows in Las Vegas and more. Look at their site for more information and reduce the stress in your life.
Habits of Holly
Little Holly, our Boston Terrier, has her own little habits. She knows exactly when I am going to get my cereal poured and she waits patiently for a taste every now and then. When I have a hot cup of tea, she knows if I offer her a taste, that it is cool enough, otherwise she will back away if I say "hot". Every night, my husband gets his cup of Pepsi and a York mint patty and she knows if she climbs up onto his Lazy Boy foot rest that he will give her little bits of it. Once in a while I don't keep on top of it and run out of them and she is just lost. She looks at you as if to say, "where's the mint?" So I try real hard not to run out of them. She is so spoiled :0)
My Printer
I was given a new Epson printer. It is a big old thing compared to the newer ones but it sure works good. And it uses cheaper ink so I can buy a bunch on eBay for little or nothing compared to going to Staples or somewhere else for ink. It sits very nicely right on my little tower on top of the desk. My daughter sent a recipe and I copied it off instead of having to write it all out. I love to write letters and print them off. Makes it so much easier than handwriting. It comes in handy for many things I want to copy. It is a blessing.
VoIP Phone Systems
More companies are switching over to VoIp phone systems because they are so much easier to use. They can be installed in as little as 7 days and save companies a great deal of money at start up compared to the old PBX systems. Check out their website VoIP phone systems. These systems have all kinds of great features and are definitely user friendly. You can get any size call center and it costs next to nothing to start up. Long distance is free in the contiguous United States and you get fast updates and no service calls are necessary. They also protect businesses from ever having a power outage. Look into their site and check out client experience and Xpander blogs for more information.
Strong Coffee
My husband drinks coffee that we used to call in the office "paint thinner". It is so strong, to me it doesn't even resemble coffee anymore. I don't know how he drinks it and then some days he says I made it too weak. It always smells so wonderful when you open a new can of coffee. I have always said if coffee could only taste the way that new coffee smells, I would probably drink more of it. As it is, I drink very little coffee and once in a great while make myself a cup of instant. I know it doesn't taste the same as drip coffee but it is better than "paint thinner."
Electric Blankets
Do you use an electric blanket? We do all the time when it is really chilly at night. A few years ago, they warned against them due to the electric currents or something I can't even remember. Now I heard yesterday that someone said that every time your electric blanket kicks on during the night, it also jump starts your heart. My brother, the joker, said "good, if I die, it will jolt me awake." But I wonder if there is any truth in it??? Actually, I am not going to worry about it as we have been using electric blankets for years as we like the heat turned down at night and you seem to sleep better in the cooler air around you.
Online Degree
How long have you yearned to get your degree or finish getting your degree? But life happens and now you are in a job where you can't take off and go to school. The solution to your problem is to get your degree online at an accredited online university. Look into this fine accredited online university at this website online degree . You can work at home in the comfort of your home, no trying to fight traffic after a hard days work to get to a local college for classes. If you are worn out, take a power nap and then start your studies at your speed. You will find they serve over 23,400 people who are doing just that in 50 states and 56 countries. Save time, gas and wear and tear on yourself and check it out.
This blog post is based on information provided by Blogitive. For more information, please visit
This blog post is based on information provided by Blogitive. For more information, please visit
Crockpot Stew
I was talking with my daughter today and I asked her what she was making in her crockpot. She said crockpot stew. I asked her what all she puts in it and it sounded so good, I asked for her recipe. She said she put it in her blog so i am going to have to look it up and run off a copy. I love making crockpot roasts but the stew sounded soooo good. It would make a couple of meals for us and so easy to make. Let the crockpot do the work while you work and supper is ready at night. I am anxious to try it as soon as possible.
Elections and Candidates
Well what do you think of Sarah Palin? Many people have many viewpoints of her. I, for one, think she is great. I think John McCain picked the right running mate. But I think everyone is so fed up with listening to all the election talk that seems to have been going on for years and years. Maybe Obama should have chosen Hillary and then the two women could have competed against each other. The poles are up and the poles are down but no one ever asked us. They always say "everyone" like this or that and that includes me and they didn't ever ask me anything. My husband, especially, does not like to be included all the time in "everyone". How about you?
Presidential Dollars
Have you checked out the CBN (Cable Shopping Network) yet? It is a great site for anyone looking for collectibles. They have a huge assortment of them and if you are looking for a specific item, then this is the website presidential dollars to check into. They have a wonderful assortment of presidential dollar series. You are sure to find the ones you have been looking for. Not only that but you will probably enjoy shopping at their network so much, you may find a great many collectibles as well. They are very successful retailers and have thousands of happy customers.
Chicken Soup
Well my husband decided he wasn't hungry enough to go for Mexican tonight so we will go tomorrow night. That is fine with me as I am busy blogging anyway. He warmed up some chicken soup that reminds me of the old Liptons noodle soup. It was good along with a dish of cold slice peaches and cold milk. I had a good lunch too today and really didn't need a big supper to go with it. We will enjoy the Mexican more tomorrow night as we will be hungrier.
My Office
My office is sure full of a lot of stuff. I am working on this computer desk my grandson built. It holds a little TV that plays VCR tapes. I really enjoy that when I am working on the computer. I tape my favorite programs and can listen and watch them as time permits. Then there is the phone, speakers, keyboard and computer monitor. The tower is a small square box that sits on the top with the printer on top of that. And don't forget the mouse and pad. I have this desk pretty well filled up. I have two little end tables with double doors that hide the paper, ink and phone charger. The other one is full of photo albums and other stuff. Then there is the desk my son built in school. It holds a great many things and sits next to the file cabinet. That is one thing I need to clean out some day. Lots of old papers that can be shredded. My small Yamaha organ is in the corner with its stool and oh yes, my computer chair and an extra folding chair when someone comes and wants to sit and watch what is going on in here. My son-in-law installed a wonderful ceiling fan with 3 lights and I have the fan on medium right now as it is pretty warm in here. I sure do appreciate that fan.
Blister Treatment
Be prepared. If you are getting new shoes and think they may cause a blister than get these blister packs ahead of time. They will prevent a blister from ever starting. Not only that but they will last as long as 4 to 6 weeks. They are great also for taking away the pain from a blister you have already gotten. Just get online and check out this website blister treatment to get more information about the greatest blister patches ever. They just sent out 1,000 sample packs to the North American Hunter and Today's Health and Wellness member groups. They have been tested for ease of use, price and a variety of other reasons and they are excellent.
New Towels
I got a couple of new towels a couple weeks ago and my husband doesn't really like them. They are larger than he is used to but they are so nice and soft. My towels are so very old you can almost see through some of them. I have bought a few this year but could probably toss most of them if I could replace them. But no matter where you go, nothing is cheap today. It all adds up. I did get a bunch of new kitchen towels and sure enjoy those. And got two new hot mitts too after I burned my hand because one was thin in one place. Some things you just have to replace every now and then.
Christmas Tree
Do you know that I still have my little Christmas tree sitting here on a desk in my office? I never got around to putting it away and now I might as well leave it out as Christmas will be upon us before we know it. A beauty operator told me yesterday that she is telling her customers there are only 100 days until Christmas and they better get their appointments made before the last minute. That sounds like a good idea. It creeps up on you so quick. Halloween is almost here and then Thanksgiving and Black Friday and the next thing you know it is Christmas.
Gold Coins
This company buys and sells rare coins and precious metals. They have been in business for nearly 40 years and really are experts in all kinds of precious metals, including rare coins. If you are looking for gold coins to invest your monies in, then you have come to a good place. Just check into their online website gold coins for expert help and advice. You will have your own Monaco account representative that will keep you fully informed on the latest investment news. They offer you the best service and also the best prices. With their expertise, you need not worry about your investments. They will take very good care of you.
The Neighbor's Van
Our neighbor has a really old van and I don't think it has much of a muffler if it even has one. It is so loud and the choke apparently doesn't work right. So he gets in it and revs it up over and over and it stops and he has to restart it again and again. If it is early in the morning, you can forget about sleeping in and it sure disturbs my husbands afternoon nap to have him starting that van. It is a regular rust bucket as they say, but it does run once he gets it going. I just heard him come home. You can't miss that loud motor sound.
Baby Shower
We are going to a baby shower in 2 weeks. We are expecting the arrival soon of a new great grandson. It is amazing how they know the sex of the baby now way before it is born. I would not like that as I would like it to be a surprise. we had 5 babies and they did not have the equipment at that time to tell whether you were going to have a boy or a girl. I had twins and all the could do is take an x-ray to be sure there were 2 babies. I wish I had asked to see that x-ray but I just never thought about it at the time. It is nice, however, when you go to the baby's shower to know that it is a little boy. Then you can get little boy's outfits and the Mom doesn't have to exchange anything.
Spa Jobs
Looking for a job but do not have a good resume? Or are you an employer looking for good employees but are not sure how to write a job posting? Then you have come to the right place. This is a new online job search engine. All you have to do is go in and create an account first. Just go to this online website spa jobs create your account and then proceed to search for jobs or employees, whichever the case may be. Once you have created your account, you can create your resume or in the case of a company, you can create your job posting there. They created this search engine to search out qualified salon and spa workers and also for them to find qualified employers they would like to work for. You can do this in the comfort of your home or office.
Lunch Date
Our daughter called and invited us to join her for lunch today. That was a special treat. We went to the Pizza Ranch. They have a great buffet every weekday, Monday through Friday. They have lots of different pizzas and such good broasted chicken, broasted potatoes, mashed potatoes, chicken gravy, green beans with almonds in them. And that is just the hot stuff. Also hot cheese bread and dip and cactus bread for dessert. Then there is a huge salad bar with all the fixings, dressings, jello, puddings, fruit cocktail. If you don't get enough to eat it is your own fault. Why is it we feel like we have to eat more at a buffet? Maybe it is because there is so much good food there. And it is a beautiful sunny day today.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Neighbor Kids
The neighbor kids are selling cookie dough for their school project. They all come around to sell you some. There are quite a few types so the best you can do is buy a different one from each. It won't be long and they will be selling all kinds of mixed nuts next. By Christmas time, it will be candies. It seems there is always a little child knocking on the door selling something you can't resist. The last one was chocolate candy bars and who can resist those? Yup, we bought some.
Traveling the Freeways
Traveling the freeways isn't always so stress free as you would think. Although you have several lanes, sometimes you can get blocked in by people driving side by side and getting no where. The highway Patrol will tell you never to get inbetween 2 semis as you never know what could happen. The front one might have to make a quick stop and the back one will squash you like a pancake inbetween. I like to stay out of that position if at all possible. There are so many on the roads now and today we saw a wide load carrying the top portion of a big windmill. They are huge. It was good to get out of its way and off the ramp to our destination.
Data Protection Solutions
This company specializes in data protection and they have developed and marketed high performance software. Having been business for 40 years, their products are used in over 50 countries. Protecting your data is important to every company and their software has been developed for mainframe, UNIX, Linus and Windows. Reliable technical support is critical and they can deliver it. They will even give you a free trial on a number of their applications. How would you like to speed up your applications as much as 98%. Of course, you would. How about backing up your server in 5 minutes? Check into their website data protection solutions for all the ways they can save you money, as well as, time.
Aunt's Funeral Today
Today is the funeral of one of my most favorite Aunts. Maybe that is because we both had a great love for good food and ice cream. We used to go and visit her and she would take us out to eat. The place where we ate always had many kinds of fresh pies. And you could get a half piece of pie because that was enough after a good noon meal. Both our favorite was cocoanut cream but we liked a lot of others too. She was 90 and the last time we visited her she took us to a new ice cream place where they had real cream ice cream and it was delicious. We will really miss her. She always had a big smile and was such a sweet person.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Iowa Hawkeyes
Our nephew stopped by this morning early. He brings us the Des Moines newspaper and is a big Hawkeye fan. They are 2-0 so far but haven't played any really serious games yet so we will see. We have a subscription to the Hawkeye news and it comes every week now so we pass it on to our nephew. He is quite a ball fan, same as my husband. With the new HDTV television set, the games are so much clearer and the color is fantastic. Just love this flat screen set that doesn't reflect everything in the room. We can have our lamps on now and it doesn't show up on the screen. More games on TV today and tomorrow so the TV will be busy.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
He Insulted the King
From Bangkok, Thailand, comes word that a novelist was arrested on charges he insulted the king. Accused of defaming Thailand's royal family, an Australian writer, Harry Nicolaides, age 41, was arrested at Bangkok's airport as he was about to fly home. He lived in Thailand from 2003-2005 and wrote the novel "Verisimilitude" as a commentary on political and social life of contemporary Thailand. I wonder what they are going to do with him. I am sure there will be more in the news about it. You just cannot insult a king and get away with it.
Best Diet Pill
Have you checked out the shelves of diet pills recently? Everyone is aching to lose that extra 10, 20, or 30 and more pounds. So we all trot over to the diet pill section and oh my, there seem to be dozens and dozens of them and the prices - well, they take a huge bite out of your budget. If you can afford to buy them, you can't afford to buy groceries, so you will lose weight because you have nothing to eat. Just joking of course, but it is almost true. But which is the best diet pill? Now you can go to this online website and check out the top 10 best diet pills on the market. They tell you just what they do and how much they retail for. However, here you can buy them for so much less, almost half the price. Why pay so much when you can save money at this website?
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Gas Prices
Well it looks like the gas prices came down a few cents. Every time they mention another hurricane, it seems that they raise the gas prices immediately while it is days off from coming ashore in the United States. We have done more driving than normal due to a death in the family and going to other towns for the visitations and funerals. Tomorrow we need to fill the gas tank again and I know it is going to be quite a lot of money to do it but you need to get around and go when necessary. We have cut back just about all we can. Some things you just can't put off and it takes gas to keep moving.
Acute COPD Exacerbation
I know several people who have COPD and one of them has been on oxygen for a long time now. She was a heavy smoker all her life and this is probably the main cause. By checking in to this online website Acute COPD Exacerbation you can learn a great deal about this condition. The diagnosis of COPD is very important and you can also find out the treatments, as well as, the prevention. This company has developed medical software that is used by over 500,000 health care professionals. It is a very good website to check out medicines and the side effects of taking them. Whatever you are suffering from, it would be interesting to delve into the treatments available and what medicines are safe and effective in order to cure you or help you feel better.
“This announcement was paid for by Epocrates.”
“This announcement was paid for by Epocrates.”
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Law and Order TV
I just love the Law and Order television programs. There are three different ones and I tape them all and then watch them as I work on the computer. All the characters in each one are just a little different and I think they have great actors and great stories. They never let me down, each one is very interesting. I have always been interested in cops and robbers, so to speak and love these kinds of programs. I am glad it is time for the new season to start although I enjoyed watching some of the re-runs too this summer as I had missed a couple or was kind of busy and really didn't concentrate well enough on the stories the first time.
Pizza, Pizza, Pizza
We just went out and loaded up on Pizza and broasted chicken. Yum Yum, it is the best! I had some California chicken pizza tonight and it was really different but very good. I also had some cheeseburger pizza, which I love because I love the dill pickles on it. They had several other kinds as well. But first you hit the salad bar with lettuce and all the trimmings on top, eggs, cheese, croutons, bacon bits, onions and your favorite salad dressing. Then there was fresh pea salad tonight, something they haven't had as long as I can remember. They always have coleslaw usually. There is also the best cubes of cherry jello, potato salad and puddings in several flavors. There is also cottage cheese and peaches and I like to put them together. I always request an apple cactus bread for dessert and it is the best. They make peach too but apple has more apples on it. But you can't miss the end of the counter where the real mashed potatoes, best chicken gravy, whole corn, and chicken fingers, broasted chicken and broasted potatoes. I love those potatoes with lots of butter. Are you hungry yet? If not, then you must have already had your supper.
Monday, September 8, 2008
Serena Williams Claims 3rd U.S. Open Title
Serena has the talent and tenacity that helped her dominate tennis earlier. And she outlasted Jelena Jankovic 6-4,7-5 Sunday night. It was a thrill a minute match. Her marvelous strokes and momentum swings won her third U.S. Open championship and ninth Grand Slam title. She flung her racket straight up and screamed and skipped as if it was her first grand Slam title. It wasn't, but it had been a while since she had won one. She got an added bonus in that she returned to No. 1 in the rankings. Serena told Jankovic she was sorry she got so excited but no apology was necessary. She took the final four games and took the title without dropping a set. Venus was in the guest box cheering for her kid sister. This guaranteed the American will lead the rankings today for the first time since August 2003.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Man with Explosives Near Capitol
It really keeps the men busy who are in charge of keeping the Capitol safe and those in it. Friday, Christopher Shelton Timmons, age 27, of Orange, Virginia, was several blocks from the Capitol Building. In his car were several weapons and a grenade. You can only guess what he was planning to do with them. But Police were on their toes and arrested him and in checking out his vehicle, found these things. They then charged him with carrying a deadly weapon and possessing unregistered firearms and ammunition. A lot goes on that we don't always hear about on the local news but it is good to know they are keeping the Capitol safe.
Friday, September 5, 2008
Fall is in the Air
The nights are getting crisp and cold. School has started and the football games are going full blast. We have several nephews who are playing in different towns in various positions. Tonight it started raining lightly but became quite wet about the time the games were ready to start. It gets pretty cold and wet sitting on those hard bleachers watching them play. We are getting just about old enough now to want to stay inside where it is warm and dry and find out how they did on the nightly news. It seems like yesterday though that they were toddlers playing around at our house on visits and now they are young men.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Jets Vote Favre as Offensive Captain
Brett Favre apparently has made quite an impression on his new teammates because the votes are in and Brett was voted one of the Jets' offensive captains. That's pretty good for only having been with them for a month. Before the Jets' first practice at Florham Park, New Jersey, Favre said he was honored. He said it made him a little uncomfortable to be voted in and he feels he will have to earn it. And I am sure he will do that when they open the regular season at Miami. You can't look at his past accomplishments. It is what he does from here on that counts.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Piercings and Tattoo Dangers
Did you know that getting a tattoo or body piercing can expose you to the same risks as sharing a contaminated needle which can cause hepatitis B or C? We have had a tattoo parlor shut down near here because it was unsanitary. Yuck! Tattoo dyes can cause allergic reactions and some allergic reactions don't show up for years after you get the tattoo. Not only that but piercings can take months to heal and become infected. And then if you decide you don't want the tattoo anymore, it will only cost you anywhere from $400 to $600 for each of 10 treatments that aren't guaranteed to work. Laser surgery is the only way to get rid of them. The newer brighter ones that use the new dyes are nearly impossible to erase. So think twice before you get either of these. Better safe than very sorry.
Monday, September 1, 2008
Earthquake in China Kills 32
A 6.l magnitude earthquake struck China Saturday in Sichuan province. It was along the same fault line as the May 12 earthquake that killed nearly 70,000. This time 32 were killed and 258,000 homes destroyed. It damaged a great many major bridges too and cracked three reservoirs. Besides that 467 people were injured after the earthquake hit 31 miles southeast of Panzhihua city in the southwestern corner of Sichuan. About 152,000 people were evacuated and relief efforts were under way despite heavy rains and the region's rugged terrain. There have been scores of after shocks since the May 12 earthquake. A 5.6 magnitude aftershock later on Sunday was recorded in the same location.
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