Friday, December 5, 2008

O.J. Simpson Sentencing

Here we sit in front of the television set watching what is supposed to be the sentencing of O.J. Simpson and another man. They went into a room with guns and were convicted of it and now they are going to sentence them. But so far, the lawyers have come up with one thing after another. Happily, the judge threw out everything so far but it is taking hours to get to the actual sentence. My husband loves to take an afternoon nap but we are beginning to wonder if they are going to get this over with today, or is it going to drag on into tomorrow. I would hope not.

Well, they finally got to the sentencing and the judge was very thorough and made sure that everything was based on this case alone, and nothing in the past. The whole thing was on tape in a casino so they almost didn't need witnesses as the judge could watch the whole robbery go down. Simpson was sentenced to 15 years in the Nevada State Prison with possibility of parole in 5 years. Another judge there said no one gets parole at the first try or 5 years, probably not at 6 years, perhaps they will listen to him at 6 1/2 years but not then either. I believe he is 61 years old so he is going to spend the best of the rest of his life in prison. Justice was done today. The judge was right on and very well versed in what happened and the sentences.

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