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Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Happy Birthday Honey
It is my husband's birthday tomorrow. I baked him a little Betty Crocker chocolate mini cake with lots of vanilla ice cream on top tonight. He said he thought I might forget his birthday. I asked him if I had ever forgotten his birthday in 83 years? He said no, but once his mother did. She had 12 kids and once remembered his birthday a month after it was past. Isn't that something? He really enjoys his birthday. And he really enjoys those little mini dessert cakes. Yum! What he doesn't know is that he has a whole bunch of birthday cards that came through the mail and I hid them for tomorrow. :0)
The Tradition of Tailgating
The Author of this post is Velma Baird
The activities leading up to "The Big Game" begin long before kickoff or tip-off. Every sporting event should be tailgated properly. The main ingredients needed for a successful tailgate are quality food and beverage, and the activities surrounding the tailgate.
Any great tailgate will always feature great food and plenty of beverages. Brats, burgers, and dogs are great staples for the meat lovers, but some good vegetable trays, chips and salsa, or other snacks can help to satisfy all attendees. A keg of beer, mixed drinks, and various shots also aid in getting riled up to cheer on your favorite team. Cooking up secret recipes for chili, hot wings, or shish kabobs can also add some personal flavor to a tailgate.
A great tailgate will feature many activities in addition to the televisions for the pregame coverage and analysis. Having a football to throw around or a mini-basketball goal to shoot at allows some simple entertainment before a football or basketball game. If tailgating a volleyball event, it is good to set up a net and get some games going. Tailgates are a great way to keep in touch with all your family and friends if you face a busy schedule during the week. I just set my ADT alarm system near la as I walk out the door and prepare for a day full of entertainment.
The activities leading up to "The Big Game" begin long before kickoff or tip-off. Every sporting event should be tailgated properly. The main ingredients needed for a successful tailgate are quality food and beverage, and the activities surrounding the tailgate.
Any great tailgate will always feature great food and plenty of beverages. Brats, burgers, and dogs are great staples for the meat lovers, but some good vegetable trays, chips and salsa, or other snacks can help to satisfy all attendees. A keg of beer, mixed drinks, and various shots also aid in getting riled up to cheer on your favorite team. Cooking up secret recipes for chili, hot wings, or shish kabobs can also add some personal flavor to a tailgate.
A great tailgate will feature many activities in addition to the televisions for the pregame coverage and analysis. Having a football to throw around or a mini-basketball goal to shoot at allows some simple entertainment before a football or basketball game. If tailgating a volleyball event, it is good to set up a net and get some games going. Tailgates are a great way to keep in touch with all your family and friends if you face a busy schedule during the week. I just set my ADT alarm system near la as I walk out the door and prepare for a day full of entertainment.
Friday, September 24, 2010
Time to go shopping today. The rain has finally stopped. Many towns are badly flooded and many homes are flooded. I feel so sorry for those people who had to leave their homes. It has been a very bad year for heavy rains and floods. When you get 6" or more of rains in one rainstorm in a short time, it is very unusual. The hard winds haven't quit blowing yet either. I hope it stops soon so we can leave for shopping.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
New Toys
There are really a great many fantastic toys available now for children. I can't believe the changes since I was a child. We had balls, jacks, tops to spin, checkers, blocks, Lincoln logs and stuff like that. Now they have almost a regular jungle gym so they can have many toys to play with and it grows with them. Here our little great grandson is trying out the new toy. He has a great deal of fun with it along with his big sister.
Gold Bullion
Investors today keep reminding us not to put all our eggs in one basket. They advise investing in more than one place for safety. If you are looking for a good safe investment, then they highly recommend that we buy gold bullion. Gold is fascinating and is used in jewelry and so many items that people just love to own. Buying gold has been known for centuries as a safe investment that will keep its value and grow in value. You can contact the U.S. Gold Bureau for purchasing gold and they will send it directly to you or they will assist you in selecting a safe depository in which to keep your gold. Gold is increasing in value almost daily it seems.
buy gold bullion,
safe investments,
U.S. Gold Bureau
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Shop Till You Drop
My husband had a doctor's appointment in a neighboring town, so I made out my list. We went several hours early and just about shopped till we dropped. Both our backs and feet hurt but we got it all done. I did fine out that a vitamin I take has been discontinued because the company was sold to another and they changed the makeup of it. That was a HUGE disappointment. I did get everything else on my list though and we got to the doctor's office in plenty of time and even got a good parking place.
doctors appointment,
shopping list
Free Content for Your Blog
Do you ever sit down at your blog and you draw a complete blank? Some days seem to have been dull and nothing exciting happened. You just don't have the first notion of what to post that day on your blog. You need something different and interesting and one of the things I most enjoy posting about is Business Articles. I try to keep up with the latest news but when you work all day, you do not always have the time to stop and catch up on what is going on in the world. So you sit at your computer and stare into space and strain your brain trying to come up with something new that your readers will appreciate and enjoy. I was checking around on the Internet to see what I could find and I ran across a whole list of subjects of interest to me so I knew my readers would also enjoy them. I found articles in a huge range all the way from puppies to debt consolidation, which by the way, is a very pertinent subject today it seems. I found all kinds of information about my home business that was very valuable to me so I figured it would also be of great interest to my readers. The best thing about it was that it is free and I can also add articles myself.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Full Knee Replacement
My brother is finally going to have his left knee replaced. He should have done it about 5 years ago but now it is finally so bad he can hardly step on it. He is scheduled to go in next week and have it done. He is going to feel so much better when he can walk again without falling. Also it will be so much better not to be in pain all the time, night and day. Cortizone shots are okay sometimes but when a knee gets as worn out as his is, they don't last but a short time. I will be happy for him when he is able to walk around good again.
Fall's Hottest Entertainment
This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of TiVo. All opinions are 100% mine.
It has really been a long summer waiting for the new fall shows. I did catch a couple of reruns that I missed along the way but now it seems I have seen everything there is to see. It is time for new Fall TV at last. Last year I missed out on some of my most favorite shows but with the new Tivo Premiere and Slide, I will be able to quickly test into Netflix and other places to pick up the full season of my favorite shows that I didn't get to see at all. I really like that it glows so I can see it in the dark so it is easy to locate. One of the many great features is the Qwerty keyboard. I can quickly text and Search for what I want on YouTube and more. I took just a few minutes to become a fan of Tivo on their Facebook Fan Page and I know you will want to do that too because they are running a contest that will expire September 22 so you want to hurry and Enter to Win. You will have the chance to win the new Tivo Slide. It would be exciting to have the Tivo Slide because I will be able to find all my favorite programs no matter where they are and with built-in Bluetooth, it has the extra power I need out here where I live.
Fall Hot Entertainment,
favorite shows,
Tivo Slide,
win Tivo
Is this September or November?
My goodness, we had to turn on the furnace again this morning. I remember when we thought it was too early in October and here we have almost 2 weeks left of September. When we got up this morning, not only was it cold but it was foggy. It was garbage pickup day and glad we put it out last night. Put our sweaters on and it was still cold in the house. The heat feels good from the furnace and that just shouldn't be this early in the year. I hope we don't have an awful winter.
Tire Chains
One thing about a good tire chain is that when you need them, you want them ready to go and easy to put on. By buying the right ones to begin with you can save yourself a lot of grief out on the road when it is time to put them on and you find they don't fit. You need to be sure you get the right ones for your vehicle. I found on the Internet that I could get the right ones for my vehicle and not only that, but they are easy to put on. That is a big plus. There are quite a number of different kinds including the Grip 4x4 and also a number of others. They ship from several states depending on what kind you want and whether they are available at that place. You need to check this all out in advance and get ready, winter is closing in on us.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Weather Change
We sure had the weather change from yesterday. It started out cool in the morning but by noon it was hot in the house so we closed the windows and turned on the air conditioning again. It stayed that way all day and into the evening. Then the wind switched directions 3 times. We have a little windmill we watch every day to see which direction the wind is coming from When it switches to the North, it really cools off and it is cold this morning. It is very cloudy too so there is no sun to warm things up. I saw the neighbor kids going to school in warm coats this morning. I think they are going to need them for the rest of the week.
Boost Mobile Phones
This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of Boost Mobile. All opinions are 100% mine.
This is a great deal for everyone. I got to choose the phone I wanted first, and then it was up to me to choose the plan I wanted. When you choose Boost Mobile I got easy activation and was ready to go. I feel the handiest advantage of my phone is being able to Re-Boost my account. But better yet, I can give a gift to my friends by adding to their accounts without showing my credit card and giving away the surprise. I follow Facebook regularly and it is so easy to keep up with my family and friends from home or at work, on breaks or shopping and I only pay one price per month to do this. I love checking in a lot because there is so much happening every day and I want to be a part of it on Facebook. I love the monthly unlimited plan for only $60 and I can call anywhere and send all the texts and check my emails besides looking up stuff on the Internet anytime I choose. I loved having so many phones to choose from and could get mine to fit my budget and every phone had plenty of features so it was a little hard to decide. I was hard to decide between the Blackberry and the various great Motorola phones but I chose the Blackberry. I like to keep up with the latest news also and have found it easy to add extras to my phone. My Blackberry gives me everything I could desire and more. I love paying online and also setting up automatic payments right from my phone. No more running home to do everything on the computer. My friends and I are talking all the time, setting up dates and parties and get togethers for the NFL games. I would be lost without my phone as it is like having a big circle of friends and family surrounding me at any time.
Boost Mobile Phones,
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Our brother and sister-in-law are flying out to California to stay in the Sierras National Park. They have a condo rented for 2 weeks with her sister and husband. That will be a great deal of fun as they love to visit the parks. Our daughter and husband are flying to Las Vegas on business and pleasure. We haven't been there in years but we sure enjoyed a number of the shows when we were there. It is quite a place. I still like Branson best I think. I would love to go there again. It has been several years since our Bank took a bus and this year they are going on a cruise.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
It is Hot Again!

It is over 80 in the house and we have all the windows open. The problem is that there is not a whisper of a breeze outside. I decided I had it and shut all the windows and turned on the air conditioner. That's what we have it for and I want to use it. It won't take long and it will be livable in here again. Holly is panting something awful and she doesn't seem to take the heat like she did when she was younger. She is going to be 12 years old on the 25th. I hate to see her growing that old. But we are growing old with her :0)
Alikes Singles
It is tough being alone and having no one to go out to eat with or to a show or just someone to spend time with. Why sit home alone when you can get in contact with a great many people at alike dating and find someone who has the same likes and dislikes that you do. You can set up a date by starting out with a flirt. They have so many good profiles and photos to look at and then you can start choosing the ones you are interested in. Some may be interested in getting married and that may be the same idea you have in mind. However, perhaps you just want companionship and you can find people on there that have that same thing in mind. Today, so many would rather just have a good relationship and not be quite as serious as marriage. They are waiting for you to contact them so why not get online and check it out and see who is compatible with you. Do not sit home alone and be downhearted because you have no one to be with. Here is a super opportunity to find someone that has the same mind set that you have. There are many beautiful people just waiting for you. It is easy to sign up for free on their quick easy form. Do not put it off another minute. An exciting life is probably just waiting for you.
Advertising Banners
I feel that a good banner will catch everyone's eye. Whether you are advertising something for sale or just advertising your business, an outdoor vinyl banner will catch the eye of everyone passing by. I notice the neighbors like to put out banners advertising Spring, Fall, Winter and many other times, such as Holidays. A good vinyl banner will last through all kinds of weather and we have some pretty rough weather here a good deal of the time. It is a good idea also to put out a banner in regard to safety. Sometimes there are safety hazards that people may not notice, but they will notice an attractive banner if it is properly placed. They flutter in the wind and it is almost always windy here. That catches my eye right away. I checked into the Internet and I found that you can order all sizes of banners in all colors. They promise guaranteed satisfaction and fantastic service. What more could I ask? I have made out a list of all the banners that I would enjoy displaying. I can design my own banner right on the Internet. I am excited to get going on it. It won't be long and Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas will be here and I want banners for those first, plus we have a very important anniversary coming up and a banner would be perfect for that too.
outdoor vinyl banner,
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Wash Day
Boy did I have a big load of towels. We have a commercial washer and dryer so they can handle really big loads. I couldn't believe all the towels but showers take a lot of them. Now I have a load of clothes in the washer. It's almost time for lunch so better get busy and see what's for lunch today. It is a gorgeous sunny day today but only 50 degrees so a bit cold outside.
Affordable Health Insurance and Medical Benefits
Now that they have passed the health care insurance bill in Congress everyone seems to be worried more about health care than they were before. It was supposed to lower health premiums, however, from the sounds of it, insurance companies are going to be raising our insurance premiums next year quite a bit. In oder to get the best health insurance quotes, I always turn to the Internet. That is the way to find many companies and get the best discount medical insurance policies on the market today. It really pays to shop around because you may think you have the lowest priced health insurance policy with the best health benefits, but you could be wrong. It pays to shop and see.
Here it is Saturday already. The week has just flown by. We got some good rain that did the flowers a lot of good. I didn't have to drag out the hose and water them. It has been that way all summer and that is good. Got the lawn mowed just before the rain. Was going out to eat but too many thunderstorms last night so ate at home. I really enjoy not having to make a meal now and then. It is a beautiful sunny day and I see a Goldfinch perched on the feeders next door.
Friday, September 10, 2010
Accutane Lawsuit
Have you been a victim of acne? It leaves people scarred for life in most cases. That is why it is so important to get the right drug to clear it up. When nothing else seems to work, Accutane came on the market and has since been pulled off the market by the FDA. It has caused all kinds of problems in some people, such as Crone's disease for one. Inflammatory bowel disease has been experienced, also, by people using this and they feel they have an Accutane Lawsuit. However, they are not sure where to go to see about this. In checking the Internet, you can find a law firm with experienced attorneys who can handle such a lawsuit. It is certainly worth your time to check into it.
Cleaning out the Car
I have an old vacuum in the garage that works really well to vacuum out the carpets in the car. I don't know how we drag in so many little rocks and stuff. It looks so nice when it is clean. My husband said we should take it to the car wash but it keeps raining. It is thundering right now so I am glad I didn't take the car to the car wash today.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
You ought to see all the bicycles we have just between the 3 houses right here. The yards are covered with them. All the kids have a bike, even the little 4 year old. They have so much fun riding in our cul de sac because it is safe. There is only the traffic from our 3 homes and we all watch out carefully for the kids. I had so much fun on my bike as a child, I can surely appreciate all the fun they are having.
Gold Bullion
I just heard this morning that the price of gold is really going up. Everyone says this is a great time to be investing in gold bullion and I feel they are right. You can't depend on the stock market like you used to. It has its ups and downs and lots of downs. However, gold has been a safe and solid investment for centuries. People have known for many years that one of the safest ways to save their wealth was to invest in gold. That time is here again for sure. Gold has never changed. It has always been very valuable and a commodity everyone loves.
The Garage
While I was getting the mail, my husband took the blower and blew out all the dirt and leaves out of the garage. It sure looks nice now. We have a double length garage so you can drive two cars in. We got rid of our pickup so we have lots more room now for other things. It is so nice to have a garage attached to the house when it is bad weather. Then you don't have to carry in your groceries and purchases in the rain or snow. I sure do appreciate our garage.
At the Met
Guest post written by Burt Church
I've been taking a couple of art history classes at the local college just for fun in my spare time during retirement. So when we decided that we were going to New York City for vacation this summer my husband looked up a bunch of art museums for us to go to.
The first and most important one that we wanted to go to was the Metropolitan Museum of Art. When we were there I was trying to explain to my husband the historical significance of one of the paintings that I learned about in class and he couldn't hear me. It was a little embarrassing that he kept asking me to repeat myself loudly in a hushed museum so when we went back to the hotel I looked up Free Hearing Tests and Miracle Ear locations. I told him that he just needed to go and get checked out about that when he got home after we finished playing tourists in NYC by going to the Statue of Liberty and Times Square.
I've been taking a couple of art history classes at the local college just for fun in my spare time during retirement. So when we decided that we were going to New York City for vacation this summer my husband looked up a bunch of art museums for us to go to.
The first and most important one that we wanted to go to was the Metropolitan Museum of Art. When we were there I was trying to explain to my husband the historical significance of one of the paintings that I learned about in class and he couldn't hear me. It was a little embarrassing that he kept asking me to repeat myself loudly in a hushed museum so when we went back to the hotel I looked up Free Hearing Tests and Miracle Ear locations. I told him that he just needed to go and get checked out about that when he got home after we finished playing tourists in NYC by going to the Statue of Liberty and Times Square.
New Neighbors
We live in a very nice mobilehome court. The landlord got permission to move in another mobilehome and they did it this morning. It is big long blue one. The neighbors across the street have been gone all day and they will be very surprised to come home and find neighbors across the street from them. One thing about it, it will cut off the north wind in the winter and probably help keep their home warmer. We like our court as the mobilehomes are not in straight rows but in all different positions and many with garages such as we have.
Black Canadian Dating
I am sure many of you are looking for a mate or someone who is compatible with you to spend your life with. At canada black dating site You can meet up with people who feel the same way you do about so many things. I checked out the Internet to see what I could find and was delighted to find a site where I could sign up for free and connect with many others who think and feel the same way I do. It is so great to look through the many photos and they do have a great many of them, both men and women, beautiful people who are also looking for someone to complete their lives and bring them the fulfillment of happiness they so wish to find. It is also fun to send flirts and see what materializes. You can build a relationship this way. You are also able to go through a great many profiles and see the ones that you feel may be the possibilities of a romance that could turn into something serious. It is so easy to sign up and remember it is FREE. Sometimes it isn't always easy to find black people with your common interests. They have a huge, varied number of black Canadians that are rooted in a great many countries so you should be able to find several that you will have something in common with. If you are only interested in casual dating, you can chat with them, plan a date, get to know them. It works the same way if you are seriously looking for a permanent relationship. There are so many great possibilities here.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Little children are so cute to watch. This is a picture of two of our great grandchildren. We call it "Let's Dance". They are almost the same age except for a few days. They get along so well together. It is fun to watch them at play. It is so nice they can grow up together. I am sure they will be close all their lives and that is great to see.
Friday, September 3, 2010
It is going to be suppertime in a little while. The neighbor brought us over two huge vine ripened tomatoes. I can see a BLT in our future soon. But for tonight we are going out to supper. We have found a place with a great fish fry and they have it all day long. They have specials or you can mix up your potatoes and have different kinds. You can choose your own menu and we love that. They have a huge menu to choose from. It is awful windy and hope the wind slows down before we leave tonight.
Get Your Teaching Degree Online from USC
This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of USC. All opinions are 100% mine.
I know most of my friends that, I work with, have taken night classes after work in order to get their Masters of Art Teaching Degree at the local college. I have seen them drive off after a hard day's work to sit in a class and try to absorb what is being taught when they are so tired out already from a full day on the job. I found out that you can get that degree right online from USC without all that hastle and easily get the program information. It is so much better to study at home online on your own schedule. You can rest up a little with the time that you would have spent on the road to the college and then start work online with your studies. USC has been ranked #22 in the USA and #9 by US News and World Report from among all private universities. Now I think that is really saying something about this school. You can also have the opportunity of learning from field based opportunities right there in your own area along with the interactive online studies. Their teaching staff is well recognized for their contributions to education. Additionally, you have the opportunity of learning from an institution that has been doing this for over 100 years. They will also help you with their special tuition program, a real asset also. You will also have all the benefits of a USC student, taking part in commencement, free Alumini memberships and also and the chance to become a part of the elite USC Trojan family. You want to be sure to check out their technology video and also look into scholarships at this renowned online university.
Furious Wind
We are having terrible winds here today. It is a beautiful sunny Fall day but the wind will knock you right off your feet. It is the kind of wind that blows branches off trees and even blows down trees. It is rather unsafe even to drive through neighborhoods that have big old trees because you never know when one of them is going to come down on you. I need to go get the mail and run to the grocery store but I better take the highway where there are no trees. Even then things can blow around in front of you.
Athlete's Foot Fungus
This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of goviral. All opinions are 100% mine.
A person generally doesn't pay all that much attention to their feet. However, when the skin gets unusually dry and you begin to have itching and soreness between your toes, you then pay attention. You know something is going on that shouldn't be happening. We have seen many cases where the kids all take showers together and pick it up in the shower room from others who have it. It can be very uncomfortable and it sometimes it takes a trip to the doctor to find out what is going on. However, now there is Lamisil that you can buy over the counter to treat your athlete's foot fungus. If you apply it as directed, you will get great results and relief from your athlete's foot fungus.My husband got a bad case of athlete's foot fungus and his toenails got a funny color. Then they began to thicken up and we knew something was not right. He said they even felt kind of numb. Every time he tried to trim his toenails, it seemed they got harder and harder to cut. You could even trim off some of the tough part but it didn't seem to change anything. Because they began to hurt him, we went to the doctor first and she said he had fungus under his toenails. We had never heard of such a thing. She gave him a prescription medicine to use but that did not work so we went to the pharmacist because he was quite knowledgeable. He recommended Lamisil for my husband's athlete's foot fungus and it worked for him. If anyone asks us about it, we always recommend it as a great product to take care of the fungus. It is so nice to be rid of it and have normal nails again and no uncomfortable hurting and itching.

Dog Food Allergic Reaction
This is the second time we have had to change the dog food for little Holly, our Boston Terrier. I think she at the same dog food for years and then we went to a holistic dog food. She loved it and ate it for at least 3 years and suddenly she began rubbing her eyes. She rubbed them so hard they got red rings around them and even bled on her cheeks and eyebrows. So we had to change dog foods again. Now she is doing that again and we have changed her food once more. It is already starting to clear up after a few days. It is really strange.
dog food allergies,
rubbing eyes,
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Storm Brewing
It looks like a storm is brewing up. It is getting awful dark in the west. It has been sunny all morning and I was hoping to get to the store before it rained. I have been busy on the computer and just had to finish a few things and probably should have gone to the store sooner. It won't be long and it will be time to get the mail too. I guess it is lunch time now so better get going on that and have towels in the dryer to fold also. Busy time.
NMEDA Help for Disabled People to Drive Again
This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of NMEDA. All opinions are 100% mine.
One of the hardest things when you have become disabled, I think, is to give up your driver's license. Now that may not be necessary. I found out that you can get help assisting your disabled relative, family member or someone you take care of. This company has a fine line of vans that have been built in order to serve a disabled person to get behind the wheel again and drive. It gives them so much self-confidence and a new lease on life. Mobile chairs are able to be lifted into vans also so they may ride as passengers, as well. You can go to their website and fill in your zip code and find the NMEDA dealer nearest you. Please note that they do not sell anything and are non-profit. Their dealers sell modifications for handicapped people in the form of vehicles and vans that enable disabled people to get back on the road again. NMEDA, themselves teach road safety and make sure you get exactly what you need as they visit with you in person. All modified chairs and vans are not equal. You can get the wrong thing by buying directly from a catalog or Internet site without seeing them in person. No disabled person is the same. Each must be treated as an individual and fitted accordingly. If you are a caregiver, I would like to suggest that you go to this site and insert your zip code and find the nearest dealer near you. I know how very hard it is to take care of someone who is very upset because they are no longer mobile and cannot drive. This can open up a whole new world for them.
modifications for handicapped,
non profit
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