Monday, January 5, 2009

Grocery Shopping

Now that Christmas and New Years are over, I find the cupboards are bare. It is time to go out and do the big time grocery shopping and fill up everything again. Aren't we blessed in the good old USA to be able to go to the store, if you have the money, and buy almost anything you could possibly desire? They have beautiful fresh fruit and vegetable displays and the meat counters are full of every possible cut of beef, pork and chicken. There is a lot of great fish also.

The soup and vegetable aisles get a lot of my business and can't forget the coffee and creamer either. Then it is on to the fruit. It is great to have both fresh and canned fruit. One of our most favorite fruits is canned sliced peaches. They make a great ending to a perfect meal or imperfect one for that matter. We love pears, fruit cocktail and frozen strawberries too. There are lots of great frozen vegetables too and now there are so many frozen biscuits and breads.

I have some frozen wheat loaves right now and I need to get some out and get them rising so I can bake some. It smells wonderful when it is baking and tastes so good too with butter and jam. Makes you hungry just thinking about it, doesn't it? I think I will take my husband along this time, because he comes up with some good ideas sometimes, of things I haven't made for awhile and that is good. Variety is the spice of life so they say, and I think they are correct. Happy shopping everyone.

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