Monday, January 12, 2009

Baby Moose Pays Unexpected Visit to Home

A baby moose got separated from its Mom and fell into the deep window well of a house in Spokane, Washington. They thought it was apparently foraging in the shallow snow near the house Thursday, when it fell into the window well. Then it tried to get out to join its mother and sibling and in the struggle, the moose kicked in the window and became trapped in the bedroom. Wouldn't that be the thrill of a lifetime? NOT!

The family got hold of a state wildlife biologist who managed to shoot a tranquilizer dart into the moose's rump. Then it took him and 4 others using a tarp to haul the 375 pound baby up a narrow stairway. That had to be a big job in itself. Wildlife officers tracked down the calf's mother and sibling and trucked the reunited family to a spot near Mount Spokane and released them there. That's a little too much excitement than I would want at my house.

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