Which kind of tree do you enjoy at Christmastime, that is if you have a tree? Do you like to go out and chop down a fresh tree and tie it to the top of the car and bring it home and set it up? They always smell so wonderful but I have never had any luck getting them to drink enough water and they always got very dry.
So we finally decided to get an artificial tree and now I wouldn't have anything else. You can get so many styles of trees now and with the lights already on them. You can even choose the color of lights. I do love the fiber optic trees though and we have a small 2-3 ft one that rotates and changes colors. It has lights in the shape of snow flakes and stars besides lighting up at the ends of each bough. It is beautiful, easy to store and easy to get out the next year. It won't be long until it is time to put the tree up.
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