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Thursday, July 31, 2008
Ever had a smoothie? Well I had one once at a Fair and I hated it. I talked to the bartender gal and she said different places make them different ways. The one I had was made with Yogurt and I do not like Yogurt. They are non-alcoholic. Anyway, she said their's were not made that way and I had a Mango Peach Smoothie and it was very good but very filling. So I ordered a couple of tacos instead of a larger Mexican dish tonight. They also have Strawberry Banana Soothies so I may try that another time.
100 degrees in The Sun
Our thermometer on the deck says 100 degrees. And it feels like it out in the sun. We mowed the sunny side of the lawn yesterday afternoon about 2:30 and it was half sun and half shade. No breeze. It was terrible. We both mowed so didn't take us very long. It was a good thing because you could melt out there and sunburn too. I wish the grass would slow down growing but we keep getting rains on it but I guess that is good for the crops.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Green Bay Packers Quarterback
The new Green Bay Packers quarterback took his place Monday. Aaron Rodgers is the new oneand he's ready to go even though Brett Favre is considering filing for reinstatement with the NFL and plans to report to camp this week. Rodgers said he felt it was just between the Brett and the organization and he plans to stay focused on what he can control. So far the General Manager has decided it would be best if Favre were to stay away from Green Bay for the time being. The Packers don't plan on letting Brett play for an NFC North rival. Therefore, they aren't going to trade him without getting value in return. I am sure we will hear lots more about this all.
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Hip Resurfacing
Now there is an alternative to total hip replacement. It is called hip resurfacing. Active men under 60 are good candidates for this procedure whereas older men and women don't have the bone density to have this done. Younger men want to keep up their active lifestyle and this is just the way to do it. Arthritis seems to take its toll on all ages and this appears to be the solution for younger people with hip problems. It is quite simple, in that they shave some of the hip ball and cap it with a metal implant. With this, you can be more active in sports which is great for younger people. The older patients receive a metal ball and plastic socket which would not take the more harsh activity. Everything is getting better and better in medicine, isn't it?
Lipovox Review
The review on Lipovox is not complimentary. It tells you all the ingredients contained in it and also what they are supposed to do for you to lose weight. Not only does the Lipovox review not recommend this diet drug for weight loss, but it also says it is overpriced at $69.00. The review does say, however, that it does include some good ingredients, they just wish it had more to it. Additionally, they conclude that there are better diet drugs on the market and they did not wish to recommend Lipovox. I understand Customer Reviews of the product have not been very good either. So be sure, before taking a diet drug, that you check it out thoroughly and it is always a good idea to ask your doctor what he or she thinks about it. Check out this website for more information.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Ed McMahon Files Lawsuit
In March of 2007, Ed fell at the home of an owner of an investment firm and they took him to the hospital. He says the doctors there discharged him with a broken neck. Isn't that something? He says he should have had two surgeries to help him but it wasn't till later that Ed's heart doctor discovered that his neck was broken. I think he was very lucky not to have been paralyzed by that. He is also suing the owner of an investment firm because he and his wife went to a dinner party that had a ramp-like staircase. The staircase was poorly lit and didn't have any handrails and he fell. Because he was not able to work, he got behind in his mortgage payments on his Beverly Hills Home. Since all this he has had to have three surgeries to try to repair his neck. So he is suing two doctors, the hospital and the investment firm owner. I hope he wins his case because it sounds like he is deserving of it. He was always a favorite on the Johnny Carson show and have seen him in several ads on television since.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
"Dark Knight" Sets Weekend Record
Isn't it amazing how people can come up with $155.34 million dollars to see the latest Batman Movie? Then they go out and complain about the price of gas. They not only spent a great deal in some places for tickets but they had to use gas to get there. That didn't seem to bother them at all. They say it could make as much as $200 million by the end of the week. That buys a lot of gas and a lot of groceries. And I don't think it is all rich people that went to see the movie but mostly your ordinary Jills and Joes from next door. The same ones who will be complaining all week because their gas tank needs filling or the kids need bread. I really feel the money is in the wrong hands, but there is nothing you can do about it. Not all, of course, but some of the same people wouldn't give money to help flood victims and victims of other tragedies.
PureSports Protein Drinks for Athletes
These fine sports drinks are not only for athletes but they are for anyone who wishes to have the extra energy needed to perform in their chosen fields. Even sport amateurs and people like me who work out on the weekend, play at golfing and having a good time. This online website PureSport Workout and Recovery sports drink with protein will give you all the information you need on this great protein drink. Michael Phelps, who is a world champion, endorses these Sport Drinks and all world class athletes will be happy to tell you that they couldn't train without the nutrition that gives them that extra strength and endurance, not only after athletic activity but during their sporting events. With the Olympics coming up, they want to do their very best and feel at their very best to bring home the gold medals. A number of articles have been written up in well-known publications about Pure Sport Recovery Sports Drink. You can look them up at their website if you aren't convinced. Why would anyone want to settle for something like Gatorade when they can get something healthful and good for their bodies? There isn't any question but what these Sport Drinks are the best because the best of athletes drink them and prove it through their outstanding performances.

Jason Taylor Goes with the Redskins
If you are a Redskins fan, then you know that Jason Taylor wanted out of the Dolphins and has gone with the Redskins. In fact, Bill Parcells was only too happy to trade him to them. When the Redskins lost a starting lineman Sunday due to an injury, they were more than happy to make the swap with the Dolphins. Even though it was the only team he had ever known, then Dolphins were not happy with him when he decided to take a season off and go on "Dancing with the Stars". Can't say that I blame them, can you?
Medical Drug Reference Software
In this modern day of electronics and all sorts of wonderful convenience gadgets, did you realize that right in your own doctor's pocket is a PDA. That's right. Today's doctors need to keep up on the latest in medicines. And this is the way to do it. Check out this online website medical drug reference software for the latest free information on their software tips and devices for healthcare professionals. With insurance companies constantly changing their formularies, it is important for your doctor to keep up with what is covered and what is not covered. They can also keep up with drug interactions and the latest in drugs. By having such a device, doctors too can be much more confident in the way they are treating their patients.
This announcement was paid for by Epocrates.
This announcement was paid for by Epocrates.
Monday, July 21, 2008
Weekend Weather
It was a great weekend. The rains quit. We went to the fish fry and it was nice. We did get a few spits of rain but that was it. We had a nice visit and a great supper. Saturday was nice also. We had our windows open some and let in fresh air. That is always good as now we are back to A/C. My husband wanted to mow this morning but it rained in the night and it is too wet.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
4.0 Grade Point
Just learned one of our grandsons is on the President's list at the University he is attending. He has a 4.0 grade point and we are proud of him. We have some very smart grandchildren. He is going to be a new father this winter too. The are going to have a little boy. He has purchased a great home on a beautiful acreage and plans to raise a few purebred dogs too. He is busy driving semi too so he is keeping very busy. Doing a lot of his college work on his folks computer.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
We just had a huge thunderstorm go through here. It sure scared Holly, our little Boston terrier. There was awful lot of lightning and thunder and we stayed away from all windows and doors. You do not want to be on the telephone then either. We unplugged our roof antenna booster. I also unplugged my computer as I sure would not want it to get hit. We got an inch of rain in about half an hour. Now the sun is starting to come out. The flowers needed watering, so now I don't need to do it.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
How many of you out there are NASCAR fans? It is pretty exciting isn't it? They have such exciting races. It is really scary to see some of those cars hit the wall and roll and you wonder if the driver is going to come out alive. But those cars have to be really built to protect them and their head gear as well. It is always a happy ending when the driver comes walking out from one of those fire crashes.
The Great American Bike Ride
It is almost time for the great bike ride across Iowa. A lot of people we know have ridden their bikes in this bike ride. They camp in the small towns along the way and the people make all kinds of good homecooked food to sell them along the way. A couple years ago they went thru my friend's town and they sold over 30 rhubarb pies. Everyone loves rhubarb pie because they can't get it everywhere and people come from all over, not just our State, to ride in the bike ride.
Monday, July 14, 2008
Crockpot Roast Supper
I don't think there can be anything much better or better than a good quality roast cooked all day in a crockpot with whole onions, potatoes and carrots. Of course you add the vegetables later in the day. But I usually brown my roast with garlic salt and onion salt and some greek seasoning. I like to put 2 cups of hot water in the crockpot and turn it on high while I brown the roast on every side, ends too. I also like to put some garlic salt and onion salt in the water to taste first. Add the roast about 9:00 a.m. on low. About 2:00 p.m. add 2-4 medium sized whole onions. I love to eat some onion with my meat, so it is up to you how many you put in. But they really flavor the gravy, Yum! Then add as many cleaned whole carrots as you need for your family and then about 3:30 or 4 add whole peeled potatoes according to the number in your family. I forgot once and left the skins on and it made the gravy taste like the potato skins and we didn't like it. Put some frozen rolls in the oven about 10 minutes before you are ready to eat and serve along with butter and jam. Then get out the vegetables and put them on a separate plate or low bowl. Slice the roast thin against the grain and serve it up with fruit for dessert. At our house, sliced peaches in heavy syrup have always been a big favorite and that is what my husband had growing up. And sometimes we have strawberries and shortcake. The leftover roast (if there is any) makes wonderful sandwiches the next day for lunch. And don't forget the ice cold milk.
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Tony Snow Died today at Age 53
Tony Snow died this morning about 2 a.m. of colon cancer. His mother died of it also which was also very sad. Tony was a happy person, beloved by all. He always had a big smile and if you were trying to cheer him up, he ended up cheering you up. He was a man of great faith and courage and believed that with all the strides they had made in medicine since his mother died, that he would beat this cancer. We are all going to miss him greatly.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Oil Prices Keep Rising
Last Wednesday oil prices shot to a new record above $144 a barrel. That was as the government reported a bigger than expected drop in U.S. Supplies and the threat of conflict with Iran weighed on traders' minds. I think today it is about $136 per barrel but I haven't heard the latest report. I know one thing, gas jumped 6 cents a gallon today in our stations here. At the end of last year, oil was going for $96 a barrel. Retail gasoline prices have climbed to a record of their own in the U.S. Crude oil supplies have fallen and that is bad also. Demand has continued to go down, suggesting that record fuel prices are prompting a real shift in Americans' driving habits. I know we cut back last week over the 4th and skipped our trip for Mexican and replaced it with a trip to the same town for fireworks later in the week. You can only eliminate so much of your driving as it is necessary, going to work, doctors, dentists, etc. but we make less trips to the store and have prescriptions delivered to the house. I try to combine several errands into one trip and go in the order of the stores with no extra driving around town. It all helps. We are beginning to see more big trucks, SUV's and vans for sale all over town, for sale by owner and there are more smaller new cars on the road too.
Nothing spruces up your home like new curtains. It just gives your moral a big boost to see new curtains in the windows. And if you check out this website, you will find the most beautiful curtains and drapes also, that have beautiful details and give you the feel of luxury in your home. They have sales going on, plus a line of budget priced curtains that will save you a great deal of money. It will make you feel even better about redecorating your home with new curtains when you know you are saving money, as well. I am anxious to check out all of their curtains myself as it has been 8 years since I last changed curtains.
Honda Grows while U.S. Auto Industry Falters
The biggest beneficiary of consumers shunning trucks and going for gas mileage, has been Honda Motor Co.
Two months ago, consumers astonished the U.S. auto industry by quickly looking for more fuel efficient vehicles. The No. 2 Japanese automaker has the most fuel efficient model lineup in the industry. They had never put both feet into the U.S. truck market, instead focusing on slow but steady growth with popular cars like the Civic and Accord. This really paid off in June because while Honda's major competitors reported double-digit sales declines and hugely rising truck and sport utility vehicle inventories, Honda had a modest 1 percent sales increase. Their car sales were up almost 20 percent from the same month last year. The Civic and Accord were among the industry's top sellers.
Two months ago, consumers astonished the U.S. auto industry by quickly looking for more fuel efficient vehicles. The No. 2 Japanese automaker has the most fuel efficient model lineup in the industry. They had never put both feet into the U.S. truck market, instead focusing on slow but steady growth with popular cars like the Civic and Accord. This really paid off in June because while Honda's major competitors reported double-digit sales declines and hugely rising truck and sport utility vehicle inventories, Honda had a modest 1 percent sales increase. Their car sales were up almost 20 percent from the same month last year. The Civic and Accord were among the industry's top sellers.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
U.S. Missiles Kill 27 Afghans
Fighter aircraft battling militants accidentally killed up to 27 Afghans walking to a wedding ceremony. The wedding party was taken by surprise and horror. Many people are injured accidently in militant attacks and it is unfortunate but it is a part of war. This was in eastern Afghanistan early Sunday. This was the second military attack in three days with reports of civilian deaths. It seems to be of more interest and regret by the public when civilians are injured or killed. The U.S. military blamed the claims on militant propaganda and said its missiles only struck insurgents. But there is no way to verify this. I feel sure the U.S. would not wish to kill civilians but sometimes they are right in the path of the fighting and bombings. It's dangerous over there for everyone.
Wall Street Resumes Selloff on Oil
Last Wednesday, Wall Street resumed its selloff after oil hit a new record. There was a report that came out that sounded like General Motors Corp. could run out of cash. The stock marker had the lowest close since August 2006. The last bear market ended in October 2002. There were fears that General Motors could go so far as to declare bankruptcy. That was scary if you were holding a lot of their stock. You can't blame them, can you? I think though I would hang onto the stock, rather than take a big loss because it is bound to eventually come back and you will be glad you did. The stock closed below the $10 mark for the first time since September l954. With all the gas guzzlers being traded now for a lot of used cars, the used car markets are doing the best business ever. This has got to hurt General Motors a great deal, along with other car manufacturers.
Monday, July 7, 2008
Holiday Weekend
It was a wonderful Holiday weekend. We spent the 4th of July at our favorite town, watching tremendous ground displays of fireworks, plus the aerial fireworks most places have. One town nearby had a bad accident with theirs and they shot right into the crowd and many had to go to the hospital for treatment. It is thought a rack fell on its side. Anyway, the next day we celebrated our brother-in-law's 82nd birthday with all the family present plus all the cousins and their children. There was much food, conversation, fun and laughter. A good time was had by all. Sunday we had a church service that was very memorable and truly celebrated Independence Day. All the Veterans were called on stage to tell where they served and we honored them. Several other flag activities and a wonderful message from our Pastor rounded out the service. Then we went home and took naps and had a picnic supper at home. It was a great weekend.
Shop Wiki
I love to shop online but when I do a search for stores, it seems that I always get the same stores. Now I have found a great website where I can find all the stores that sell iPods not just the usual stores.
What I was looking for were some fun accessories and I found them here right away without doing multiple searches.
My friends kept talking about their Shuffle and frankly, that was new to me. I asked them more questions. They told me just where to look on this great website. I now have a new one and I am so pleased with it. I am going to tell all my friends. Check it out and see if I am right about this. You will really enjoy shopping even more with this helpful website.
What I was looking for were some fun accessories and I found them here right away without doing multiple searches.
My friends kept talking about their Shuffle and frankly, that was new to me. I asked them more questions. They told me just where to look on this great website. I now have a new one and I am so pleased with it. I am going to tell all my friends. Check it out and see if I am right about this. You will really enjoy shopping even more with this helpful website.
Thursday, July 3, 2008
I have been up since 6:00 am and it is now almost 11 pm. I have been going hard on the computer and getting a lot done here. But I am getting tired and I think it is time to get to bed. I want to get up tomorrow and get going on potatoe salad and some bars for Saturday. I am looking forward to Fireworks tomorrow night too and don't want to fall asleep watching them :0) So I am off to bed.
What a great deal of fun the Playstation is. Did you receive one this year for Christmas or a Birthday perhaps. Are you looking for more games and accessories for your PS3 If so this online website is a great place to get games for it. If you haven't yet gotten the new one, you simply must check it out here and see all the advantages of owning one. Everything gets better and new and improved and this has also.
Los Angeles Resumes
Are you looking for a job in the Santa Ana, Long Beach or Los Angeles area? If you are, then you should look into this unique company that has a targeted approach to finding jobs for you. All you need to do is submit your Los Angeles resumes to them and let them do the rest. Their valuable career resources will help you quickly find the position for which you are looking. They have many quick links for you to do searches for job also right online. Why not look them up now and get started toward your new job or career?
Best Buy
We went shopping yesterday and we walked miles through stores looking for various items we needed. We could have saved a great deal of time and gas by making a best buy at this online website in the comfort of our home. It was hot and we were tired and we could have shopped at this site in air conditioning and had our buys delivered to our home. They carry so many products it would have easy to find what we needed and sure a great deal less trouble.
Corn and Bean Crop in Iowa
Iowa has had way too much rain this Spring and a good percentage of the corn and bean crops have been washed out. The farmers have tried to replant what they could. However, this past week, more rain came down and washed it out again. Now it is too late to replant. This is going to make a difference in the entire world's food supply. Our groceries will be going up even more due to all the products, especially cereals, that are made with corn. Corn on the cob is already very high and probably will get higher priced due to washouts of those crops too. Corn on the cob is one treat we really look forward to every Summer.
I think I will go take a nap. Things are quiet on the computer now and I have done quite a bit of work this morning. I still have to walk 30 minutes today on the Gazelle, probably this afternoon. We aren't going to go for Mexican tonight as we are going to the same town tomorrow for fireworks and junk food for supper. But they have the best walking tacos so we will no doubt have those, along with Pepsi and who knows what else. They make a great batch of nachos with meat and cheese on them too and of course hot dogs and candy bars. They have the No. 1 state ground display of fireworks and since we went to see them several years ago, we just aren't happy with anyone else's. You have to see what I mean and then you would want to always see them too.
Dental Plans
Dental plans are far from being all the same. Your traditional dental plans have been around for many years. We have had one of those for as long as l970. One of the drawbacks of a traditional dental plan is that we have had to wait for our bills to be paid. Sometimes the dentist has charged interest on the balance while waiting for payment.
By checking into dental plans you have a great option of having a discounted dental plan. You can save a great deal of money with their plans and have as many as 30 regional and national plans available to you to compare. You can choose the plan that fits you best.
If you join today, you can receive as many as three free months. You can save anywhere fro 10% to as much as 50% with their discount dental plans. This is an opportunity that no one should pass up. In addition, there are no paperwork hassles plus they offer a 30 day refund if you are not satisfied. You can look up your dentist by zip code right on their sight and also contact them at their toll-free phone number.
By checking into dental plans you have a great option of having a discounted dental plan. You can save a great deal of money with their plans and have as many as 30 regional and national plans available to you to compare. You can choose the plan that fits you best.
If you join today, you can receive as many as three free months. You can save anywhere fro 10% to as much as 50% with their discount dental plans. This is an opportunity that no one should pass up. In addition, there are no paperwork hassles plus they offer a 30 day refund if you are not satisfied. You can look up your dentist by zip code right on their sight and also contact them at their toll-free phone number.
Big Sur, California is Being Totally Evacuated
This morning the latest news is that the entire town of Big Sur must be evacuated. There has been more than 680 square miles of Northern California burned since June 20. The wildfire is out of control and the fire jumped a fire line and is threatening more homes. One guy said the fire is like a big raging animal. There were more than 1,100 wildfires, mostly from lightning, according to last count. When you see the map on the news, it looks like most of California is burning somewhere. They even had fires out at Bakersfield, out in the dessert area. It is a horrendous and terrible thing. Fire is all consuming and its appetite is hard to stop.
Midwest Auto Recycling
In today's world, car parts seem to be hard to find. Although there seem to be plenty available, it is knowing where to go to get the best and fastest service you can find to get your car back on the road again. We all count on our cars to get us to work and when the engine goes, you are really stuck. Now you can get on the Internet and go to this online website midwest auto recycling for a great inventory and great service. All their engines are CARFAX verified to put your mind at ease. And not only that but they give you a three year warranty on most parts and labor. That is worth a lot right there. It is easy to call them on their toll-free number and find out immediately if they have what you need in inventory.
Swindler Sentenced to More Than 24 Years
Last Thursday, an economist who admitted swindling hundreds of investors, was sentenced to more than 24 years in prison. He was also ordered to repay millions of dollars he stole from his unsuspecting clients. A former Charleston Southern University professor, Al Parish, stood silently with his hands behind his back as the long awaited sentence was handed down. He pleaded guilty last year to two counts of fraud and one count of lying to investors. He could have gotten as much as 30 years in prison under federal sentencing guidelines.
Rail Disaster - Man Convicted of 11 Murders
A man attempted to commit suicide in 2005 and it triggered a rail disaster that claimed 11 lives. He was convicted last Thursday of 11 counts of first-degree murder and could face the death penalty. California is one of the few states that still has the death penalty. His actions caused two commuter trains to collide into a tangled mass of smoking wreckage with all these victims. The jury agreed there was a special circumstance of multiple murders. That made him eligible for the death penalty. However, he was acquitted of a charge called train wrecking. The jurors are ordered to return for the start of the penalty phase on July 7. He pleaded not guilty, of course, saying he intended to kill himself, then changed his mind and was unable to get his SUV off the tracks. Very sad situation.
Cheap Airsoft Supplies
If you have been looking for cheap airsoft supplies then you have come to the right place. Although they carry a fine line of everything you need for your paintball games, they have expanded to carry Airsoft gear and equipment as well. Perhaps you are looking for an Airsoft Electric Rifle or maybe a shotgun. They have a great selection of Airsoft guns and you get free shipping with your order over $100 for anything you purchase. You can give them a call with questions at their phone number listed online especially for that. Or you can order right on their toll-free number also and they will send it to you by ground shipping FedEx, the same day.
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Investor Pays $2.1 Million to eat with Warren Buffett
I couldn't believe my eyes when I read about this. Can you imagine paying $2.1 million to eat with anyone? Not me. I would love to have the $2.1 million. I could do a lot of good things for a lot of good people. But that is what a Chinese investment fund manager did. He won the chance to have lunch with billionaire Warren Buffett by bidding $2.1 million in the most expensive charity auction ever held on eBay. The Auction ended Friday night and a spokeswoman for the foundation that receives all the proceeds from the auction, identified the winner Saturday. Zhao Danyang of the Hong Kong-based Pureheart China Growth Investment Fund and up to seven friends will dine with Buffett at the Smith & Wollensky steakhouse in New York City.
Presidential Coins
Have you had a chance to look into the Cable Shopping Network (CSN). If not, you are really missing out. Just check into their online website presidential coins and see the most unique collection of presidential coins available. CSN is one of the most successful retailers in the collectibles business. They would love to have you check them out and learn more about them. Also check out the wonderful collectibles found on their website. They are an exciting company full of exciting and energetic people. You will love shopping CSN. Thousands of customers have put their trust in them and you will see a fantastic array of products at their website.
President Bush Says Housing Deal with Congress Possible
The President has expressed confidence that he will reach a deal with Congress on a housing rescue plan. He also wanted lawmakers to show less politics in this case. The President's comments came as many homeowners are saddled with mortgage payments they can no longer afford and are facing foreclosure. This would be a $300 billion plan to back cheaper loans for people who risk losing their home. Right now this is stalled for now.
Suspect in 8 Killings is Captured
Police believe an ex-convict killed eight people in two states and was the subject of a multistate manhunt. Authorities caught him on Tuesday evening in southwestern Illinois. Nicholas T. Sheley, age 28, was caught in Granite City, about 10 miles north of St. Louis. He is in the custody of the Granite City Police Department. The FBI warned he should be considered armed and dangerous. So far he has only been charged in the death of one of the eight but he faces charges of first degree murder, aggravated battery and vehicular hijacking in the death of Ronald Randall. His body was found behind a grocery store in Galesburg, Illinois and the autopsy showed the 65 year old man died from blunt force trauma to the head.
Djembe Drums
You have to check into this online website djembe drums to really appreciate these fine drums. They are made of the finest materials but not only that they strive to use only eco-friendly companies to supply these materials for them. They have just announced a new line of Pro African X8djembe drums. They are developing retail outlets thoughout the country, as well as, their overseas market. Drum enthusiasts all over will be excited to see these drums for they are some of the very finest made. They are made of such materials as alpine 5mm braided rope, goatskin heads and beautiful Mahogany wood. They are not only beautiful but made to last.
Free Trade is A Win-Win Proposition
Free trade was portrayed Tuesday by John McCain as a win-win proposition for the U.S. and its Latin American economic partners. However, labor leaders said it has been a big loser for Rust Belt voters. Indiana and Pennsylvania are two states that have been hit hard by the loss of manufacturing jobs partly due to trade agreements like the North American Free Trade Agreement between the U.S., Mexico and Canada. They are not particularly happy with this agreement. Can you blame them?
New Federal Student Loan Terms
New federal student loan terms took effect on Tuesday. The changes that took effect in the federal student aid program will lessen interest rates for some students while increasing the amount they can borrow. The interest rate on new, subsidized Stafford loans to undergraduates was among the biggest changes. It drops from 6.8 percent to 6 percent. These loans are awarded to lower-income students and the government picks up interest payments while students are still in school. As part of congressional measures approved last year to increase student aid, the rates are slated to continue to decline in stages over the next five years. Congress also approved $2000 per year increases in what students can borrow from unsubsidized Stafford loans.
Wedding Favor Ideas
Sometimes when you are planning a wedding, you just draw a blank as to what favors and gifts to give your attendants, for instance. There are so many details to a beautiful perfect wedding and this online website wedding favor ideas has it all. They have over 1000 hard to find wedding supplies. And not only that, you will agree that their prices are the best prices around. Need quick service? They offer 24 hour accessibility and they will ship those last minute items right before the wedding day if needed. If you are looking to have a top quality wedding, this is certainly the place to look into.
Good News
My husband got good news today. His PSA has gone up but he doesn't have to do anything until he sees his doctor in October. At that time, they will probably start him on hormone theraphy. That consists of putting a pellet under the skin in the stomach area. It is time releasing and I guess you can get them to last 3 months, 6 months, or even a year. I would think it would be great to have one once a year and not have to think about it again for that length of time. We will see in October what the doctor thinks is the right one for him.
Diet Pill Reviews
This a wonderful website that gives you the top ten diet pill reviews. If you are like me, you have purchased a great many that did nothing for you. You had high hopes because of their ads that seduced you to buy their pills for that quick weight loss, only to find you might have even gained rather than lost weight with them. I studied this website and read through the top ten best diet pills on the market today and it was so interesting to me, that it was like a good book that I couldn't put down. I had to read it all. If you are dieting or thinking about it, you want to be sure to check out this website before you buy another diet pill. If you are not as amazed as I am, I will be surprised.
Bone Scan
We went to the cancer center this morning and the Doctor felt it would be best if my husband had a bone scan. This would rule out cancer in the bones. It would also tell where he had arthritis in his body. He didn't want to at first but the longer they talked, the more he felt it would be a good idea. He was given dye in the arm and then we had 2 hours to kill.
So we went to our favorite Taco Tico for lunch and then to Fleet Farm looking for new folding chairs for outdoors. They didn't have what we were looking for so we went to Wal-Mart. They had about every kind there is. We got two nice ones that are fairly light weight and both the back and seat are padded. That is really nice. We will take them to the Fireworks on Friday and to a family picnic on Saturday. Our old ones are plastic and some of the woven pieces are kind of shredded and look like they could break at any time, plus there is a rod in the back that is uncomfortable when you sit for long. These will be much nicer.
The scan showed several bad arthritic places but no cancer in the bones. He will go to his urologist in October and will probably start on the hormone pellet then. It was a very happy outcome.
So we went to our favorite Taco Tico for lunch and then to Fleet Farm looking for new folding chairs for outdoors. They didn't have what we were looking for so we went to Wal-Mart. They had about every kind there is. We got two nice ones that are fairly light weight and both the back and seat are padded. That is really nice. We will take them to the Fireworks on Friday and to a family picnic on Saturday. Our old ones are plastic and some of the woven pieces are kind of shredded and look like they could break at any time, plus there is a rod in the back that is uncomfortable when you sit for long. These will be much nicer.
The scan showed several bad arthritic places but no cancer in the bones. He will go to his urologist in October and will probably start on the hormone pellet then. It was a very happy outcome.
Guitar Hero & Rockband Market
Hey man, if you play guitar, you have just got to look into this online websiteGuitar hero skin for the coolest designs for your guitar. Why settle for the usual guitar as everyone else has. Get one of these cool designs on your guitar and make everyone sit up and take notice. They love your music. They will love your guitar as well. Take a look at the sample below and see if I am right on this.

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