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Friday, July 31, 2009
Postings for Real Estate
Are you looking for Realtors in your area but are having a problem navigating through the yellow pages. Then go to this online website and it is so easy to find a realtor near you. All you have to do is fill in your State and up comes a great list of Realtors. Haven't you always wondered how much a realtor's commission is when you are getting ready to sell your property? You want to save as much as you can and this website will give you the information you need. Who represents you in the sale of your property? This is another question that comes to mind. There are so many questions you may have that can be answered at this website. Check it out today.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Sweet Corn Season
It is sweet corn season and we have been having sweet corn for suppers. It is so very good this time of the year. The ears seem to be smaller this year and we don't know whether it is because there was too much rain at the wrong time or too little rain at the wrong time. It seems they are picking it a little too early too because we have found several ears that just weren't quite ready and they are just not good eating. But we love sweet corn and will keep looking for more and better sweet corn before the season runs out.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Doctor visit
I had my doctor appointment today with the orthopedic surgeon. I had a bone scan about 2 weeks ago. The bone scan was to show whether of not my knee replacement is coming loose. Well, it has come loose and that means replacement of the replacement knee. It is quite a bit more major surgery than the first one was, although stay time in the hospital is about the same, physical therapy, etc. I was really hoping it would show that everything was holding tight in place, but it didn't. So I will be having the surgery next week.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
The Best of Time
Time is a very valuable commodity to every one of us. There is hardly a person on earth, if they can afford it, that does not wear a watch of some kind. But when it comes down to it, and in many conversations, a Rolex watch is the watch to own and you can find a wonderful selection of them at
A Rolex stands out as not only a useful piece of jewelry, but a sign of elegance and beauty. Now you can save as much as $1000 on the watch of your dreams. Which is your favorite, gold or silver. Do you want Roman Numerals or numbers on your watch? How about diamonds or a beautiful deep red or blue watch. You have so many choices here that you may have a hard time deciding and may want to purchase several at these savings offered today.
I guess I have often thought of a Rolex as a man's watch but they have a delightful inventory of the most gorgeous ladies watches, as well. It is hard for me to decide between silver or gold. They are all so beautiful and I would like lots of diamonds sparkling on the watch of my choice as well. Check into their website and see if you do not agree with me that they have a great inventory of beautiful watches. You can give them a call on their toll-free number too.
As an independent dealer, they are able to sell you their watches at discounted prices. Everyone loves to save money while buying the watch of their dreams. How can you resist?
A Rolex stands out as not only a useful piece of jewelry, but a sign of elegance and beauty. Now you can save as much as $1000 on the watch of your dreams. Which is your favorite, gold or silver. Do you want Roman Numerals or numbers on your watch? How about diamonds or a beautiful deep red or blue watch. You have so many choices here that you may have a hard time deciding and may want to purchase several at these savings offered today.
I guess I have often thought of a Rolex as a man's watch but they have a delightful inventory of the most gorgeous ladies watches, as well. It is hard for me to decide between silver or gold. They are all so beautiful and I would like lots of diamonds sparkling on the watch of my choice as well. Check into their website and see if you do not agree with me that they have a great inventory of beautiful watches. You can give them a call on their toll-free number too.
As an independent dealer, they are able to sell you their watches at discounted prices. Everyone loves to save money while buying the watch of their dreams. How can you resist?
diamond watches,
gold or silver,
Rolex watches
Birthdays are fun for everyone except those who do not want to be reminded that they are getting older. However, when you consider the alternative, you should be very happy to celebrate your birthday. Anyway, I know the ones who enjoy their birthdays most are the kids. The little girl next door just got her first full size bike for her birthday and she is riding around shouting about how happy she is. There are 6 kids between the 2 houses next to us and there seems to be a birthday party going on almost continuously from July 1 to August 1. They set up the BBQ and chairs and grill out and have cake and ice cream. We are invited to all the parties too. That is really nice of them. The kids have such a ball celebrating their birthdays. It is so much fun to watch.
So many times when people think of investing their wealth, they think first of Gold. However, Gold is not the only investment you can make to preserve your wealth. In fact, now is the time to invest in silver. Supplies of silver all over the world are shrinking because it has so many uses. It is a great conductor of electricity and they have also found uses for it in the health field. There was only so much silver in the world and it has been mined. Now with it being used up for so many things that were not happening years ago, those stockpiles are shrinking. There is no way to replace it either so you can guess the price is going to rise. Check into this website and see if you don't agree this is a good, safe investment.
Time to Mow the Lawn
We had a great 3 day weekend where we didn't do anything at home. We went all kinds of places and had a great time. But now it was time to get down to business at home and mow the lawn. It really had grown over the last several days, thanks to rain and lots of sunshine and warmth. My husband got the mower out and did a good job on the lawn and then he took the trimmer and did all the trimming. We have a little windmill that was getting pretty tall grass underneath but, it looks great now.
Is Summer Almost Over?
We have had the strangest weather all year so far. June was fairly hot whereas it is cool most of the time. July has been both hot and cool but mostly cool and rainy, whereas it is usually very hot and dry. We are wondering what August is going to bring as we really haven't had a normal summer as yet.
Tonight it is to get down to 49 degrees and that is not growing weather for the corn and beans. They need lots of sunshine and heat. If you stand in the sun, you get hot and sunburned but if you are in a breeze and in the shade, you nearly need a jacket and often do need a jacket. We have taken jackets at night whenever we go out. I wonder if we will have a cold, wet fall too. Time will tell.
Tonight it is to get down to 49 degrees and that is not growing weather for the corn and beans. They need lots of sunshine and heat. If you stand in the sun, you get hot and sunburned but if you are in a breeze and in the shade, you nearly need a jacket and often do need a jacket. We have taken jackets at night whenever we go out. I wonder if we will have a cold, wet fall too. Time will tell.
Monday, July 27, 2009
My Favorite Perfume
I love lots of different kinds of perfume. You do not feel fully dressed until you have your perfume on. Men smell so good too when they wear the right cologne. I found this website where you can get your favorite online perfume and save a whole lot of money. Elizabeth Taylor's White Diamonds is a huge favorite but so expensive but here I can get it for so much less. They have so many designer perfumes for you to choose from for both men and women. Why pay those expensive prices when you can get it here and get several at the same time because they cost you so much less.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Real Property Management
Anyone who has been a manager knows that being in charge of Real Property Management can be a real headache. So why stress yourself out? Check out this company and let them do the work for you. They are very experienced in all types of property management, may it be rentals, collections, evictions or maintenance services. That isn't all they do. You will find much more such as accounting services at their website. For over 20 years, they have managed properties nationwide and they are ready and willing to assist you as well.
Chief Supply
This is the business that has outfitted many public safety officials since l977. Perhaps you are in need of Police equipment. That would be just one of the many types of equipment available to you at this website. They are noted for great customer service and fast delivery. You can order several ways for your convenience, be it phone or Internet or perhaps you would like to fax your orders in. Your information is secure so you need not worry about that. Check out their 90 day return policy and also their 30 day terms. In checking their website, I feel you will find them very easy and satisfying to work with to get your Firemen, EMTs and all safety officials outfitted to your liking. Order a catalog today.
Collision Repair Experts
I do not think there is anything worst than having your vehicle not start, but having a collision with damage is the worst of all. It often puts your vehicle out of commission when you really need it to get to work especially. No matter where you live, you want to get the best body shop and if you live in this area, you want to be sure and check in with auto body corona. They make it their business to repair your vehicle to its pre-collision condition. However, not only that but they do the very best job they can and make sure it is safe to drive. Some things can be overlooked making the vehicle unsafe but you can rest assured with them that you will get the finest job around. Check out what others have to say about them and rest assured you will be satisfied with your repairs by their skilled mechanics.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
BBQ Ribs
We love BBQ ribs and I love making them at home with or without BBQ sauce. We have a big black Lab dog next door that really enjoys the bones when we are done with them. He anxiously waits as I cross the yard with a plate full of those rib bones for him. I like to take him leftovers because he enjoys them so much. Ribs and baked potatoes are one of the easiest things to make for supper and easy cleanup too. Makes you hungry doesn't it?
Pizza Ranch
Tonight is Pizza Ranch night. They always have a good fresh salad bar with all the toppings for your salad and extra salads too such as coleslaw, macaroni salad, potato salad, and jello. Cheese bread sticks with dip are a favorite of almost everyone and I love the chicken fingers with Ranch dressing to dip them in. There is always many kinds of pizza and if you don't see the one you like, order it and they will make one. Broasted chicken is high on our favorite list too along with mashed potatoes and the best chicken gravy and a vegetable. Wash it all down with your favorite beverage and then top it off with a peach or apple dessert pizza. Yum Yum.
When your health is a little fragile it is a great idea to get some ensure to give your system a boost. I know after surgery, you just can't eat everything you want and many things may be lacking in your diet. This company has been in business since l996 and has served over a million customers. You can this product from them at a real savings and have it delivered right to your door. Not only that but they have a huge inventory of other products for home medical use. Also they have expanded to include supplies for new mothers and babies and exercise equipment. Check them out for your needs.
Chocolate Brownies
Don't you just love good chocolate brownies? Our next door neighbor just bought me a plate with some very large chocolate brownies on it with fudge frosting. I have been hungry for cake and here she brought us some. There is a big Winnabago motorhome rally in the next town and she made all kinds of wonderful homemade baked goods and they had a huge bake sale there. She did fabulous in sales and I knew she would because the people traveling all over the United States, as they do, really appreciate home baking.
We have a beautiful dark red Pontiac Bonneville. We just love it and now they are going to stop making them. I certainly don't agree with the government take over of General Motors and I think the "green" cars they plan to turn out are ugly. Our car has a beautiful body and is one of the finest on the market, yet it is now basically obsolete. We plan to drive it though for a very long time as it is well made and very dependable. It is really sad to see the end of the Pontiac era. My grandfather had a Pontiac dealership all my growing up years.
Online College Courses
Completing your college degree or endeavoring to get your graduate or undergraduate degree may not be as difficult as you thought. Just check on online college courses here and you will find they are a fully accredited online university with over 23,000 students in 45 countries and 50 states. You can work at home on your own time and not have to beat yourself up trying to get to a college near you. Especially, at the end of the day's work when you are tired to start with, it is so hard to fight traffic to your class and then try and really give it your full attention. Why not make it easy on yourself and contact them?
This post is based on information provided by Blogitive. For more information, please visit
This post is based on information provided by Blogitive. For more information, please visit
Car Shows
This is the time of the year when the car shows come out. They have them in nearly every town for miles. Every celebration has a car show. It is so much fun to go see the cars that you used to drive 40 years ago or those that your folks drove many years ago. The owners keep them so spiffy and shiny and spotless and they are a delight to wander through and try to figure out what kind they are and what year they were built. Cars have really made major changes over the years. We wish we had one of those old cars we used to have. We didn't realize they would become so valuable.
The reason they call them grandchildren is because they are so grand. You can just love them up, play with them, have a good time and then send them home with their parents. You can spoil them rotten and then let the folks unspoil them the next week :0). We have 14 grandchildren and now we are expecting 2 more great grandchildren. Isn't that grand? We think so.
Family Vacation
It is summer time and vacation time for most folks. We look forward to getting away somewhere and enjoying a good time. There is just nothing like taking a wonderful family vacation and I know just the place to go. The Riviera Maya is just beautiful with its white sand beaches and luxurious Karisma Hotels. They have five of them, all just a bit different and suited to the likes of everyone. You will find one that will relieve all your stress, or perhaps you need a honeymoon destination. Check them out because they have it all. Pamper yourself, indulge in gourmet food and all the wonderful amenities you desire.
HD Television
A year or more ago, we got our first HD television set. We just love it. The picture is unbelievably clear and you can almost count the hairs on people's heads. The color is beautiful and when you think they can't improve anymore on television, they surprise you and do improve it. We would hate to go back to analog television again after having high definition television.
Lazy Boy Chairs
We had some family over the other day and they were asking about our easy chairs. We have all Lazy Boy chairs as we have found them to be the most dependable and comfortable. We have tried several other brands over the years and were disappointed in them. We also get great warranties with them and the business stands behind all of their Lazy Boy chairs. I would never buy another brand again.
Iron Condor
Whether or not you are experienced at stock option trading, this website iron condor will give you some very valuable advice. The whole idea is to make money trading your stock options and this is the place to do it. They have the know how to really show you how to make the best of your trading and reach your goals. As the only internet-based data provider, it is easy for you to get in contact with them from your home by way of your computer. They have the access to over 195,000 stock options online plus another 3,000 optionable stocks that you can sort through and analyze to reach your goals. Check out their Iron Condor Spread strategy.
Monday, July 20, 2009
Sweet Corn

It is sweet corn season at last. There is just nothing like a big platter of fresh sweet corn. The farmers pick it fresh out of the field and then park their pickups all over town or take a bunch to the local grocery store. I just stopped at Kum&Go and there was a pickup load waiting there so I didn't even have to get out of the car. So you know what we will have for supper tonight, dripping with butter, salt and pepper.
There is just nothing like a fresh grilled hamburger to go along with it too. I can hardly wait. We have to take advantage of the season as it is short but one of the best parts of summer.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Piano Chords
As a piano player who has had lessons, but have always had trouble counting the rhythm, I think that this website is the right place for all who play piano to check out. It doesn't matter whether you are somewhat experienced in playing the piano or not, I am sure you will find you will learn a great deal here.
It has always been my desire to be able to sit down and play a new sheet of music. However, if I haven't heard it before, I was never able to do it. Also, I have trouble reading the notes and figuring out the sharps and flats.
By signing in with them, they will help you with so many facets of playing the piano. It will amaze you, as it did me. It is fun to just sit down and play along with people but I couldn't do it. I feel with this website, I can learn to play along without all the difficulty of trying to read the music and play at the same time, stumbling over many parts of it. That is embarrassing. Just fill in your email and sign up for free piano lessons too.
It has always been my desire to be able to sit down and play a new sheet of music. However, if I haven't heard it before, I was never able to do it. Also, I have trouble reading the notes and figuring out the sharps and flats.
By signing in with them, they will help you with so many facets of playing the piano. It will amaze you, as it did me. It is fun to just sit down and play along with people but I couldn't do it. I feel with this website, I can learn to play along without all the difficulty of trying to read the music and play at the same time, stumbling over many parts of it. That is embarrassing. Just fill in your email and sign up for free piano lessons too.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Bone Scans
Have you ever had a bone scan? Well, I haven't either but I am going to have one tomorrow. It is to check out my knee replacement and see if any of the parts have loosened for one reason or another. My knee has acted rather funny at times and is 14 years old now and sometimes gives me pain. However, they are supposed to last a lifetime. But if they do work loose, they have to replace them and it is quite a surgery so I hope it has not worked loose in any way. It takes about 3 hours in all to get it done and part of the time, you can go shopping while the dye circulates through your body. I think it will also be interesting.
Monday, July 13, 2009
Whole Pea Soup
It is very difficult to get whole dried peas in this area. I once again had a grocery manager try to get me a case of 24 bags of them. It took awhile but he was able to get them shipped to him. We are going to go pick them up soon. It kind of looks like rain right now but think this is going to be another sunny hot day before the day is over.
We all love the homemade pea soup so really happy to be able to get more of them again.
The store is only about 10 miles away so not difficult to go get them. We really appreciate the manager helping us find the peas.
We all love the homemade pea soup so really happy to be able to get more of them again.
The store is only about 10 miles away so not difficult to go get them. We really appreciate the manager helping us find the peas.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Win Free Dairy Products and More
If you are like me, you didn't realize how good dairy products are for you. The protein in milk helps build up your body and give you strength. My husband found that out after a major surgery. How would you like to win a bunch of free dairy products and other good stuff? Who doesn't want and need FREE food these days? Just go to this website and enter the contest. It's easy. It ends July 23, so don't put it off. Be a winner!!
Family Picnic
We had a great family picnic out on our nephew's acreage on July 5th. That gave everyone a chance to go to fireworks and have their own plans for the 4th of July. Everyone brought food and drinks and there was so much to eat and no duplicate dishes. So you could go back for seconds, if you wanted to, and get an entirely different plate. Lots of bars and homemade cookies too.
We got to visit with nephews and nieces from Indiana and Michigan and a good time was had by all. We sat out in lawn chairs under the shady trees and a nice breeze was blowing. The men all got together later in the afternoon and played their own game of football. There were at least a dozen so had good teams and several of the younger ones play football in school so it was fun. Many pictures were taken and cameras were snapping all over the place. We look forward to doing this again next July 5, 2010.
We got to visit with nephews and nieces from Indiana and Michigan and a good time was had by all. We sat out in lawn chairs under the shady trees and a nice breeze was blowing. The men all got together later in the afternoon and played their own game of football. There were at least a dozen so had good teams and several of the younger ones play football in school so it was fun. Many pictures were taken and cameras were snapping all over the place. We look forward to doing this again next July 5, 2010.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Rebels Administer Grisly Punishment
Islamist rebels punished four convicted thieves by cutting off a hand and a foot each while hundred of people looked on. It was a bloody spectacle. This was the latest sign that insurgents wield the real power in the lawless African nation. Here the embattled, Western-backed government is struggling to survive. These amputations were carried out in Mogadishu, Somalia. It was a horrible sight and a terrible thing to do to another human being.
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