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Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Spanish Company Plans More Wind Farms
Fersa Energias Renovables SA, a Spanish renewable energy operator, has signed agreements to build wind parks in Spain and Russia, almost doubling existing development plans. The developer agreed to jointly build wind parks with Green Alliance SGECR SA in Spain and will buy 50 percent of Barner Investment SL by selling shares worth 190,000 euros. In Russia, the company signed agreements with developers it didn't identify.The deal adds 1,575 megawatts worth of potential wind parks to the company's 1,646-megawatts pipeline. The agreement includes purchase options for wind parks jointly developed with the Spanish and Russian promoters.
Moving Companies
Can there be anything more fun than moving, unless it is having toothache? Moving is no fun, I think almost everyone will agree with that unless you get a good moving company to do it for you. But you better watch out because some of those moving companies are fly by night, here today and gone tomorrow and you are left holding the bag. But now you can get on the Internet to this online website moving companies and find a good honest moving company that is ready and willing to make your move much more pleasant and take all that stress out of your life. Sounds wonderful, doesn't it? Well it is. This company has a very strict application service to be sure that you get the best and honest moving company available to you. Not only that but they can save you a great deal of money because they have already settled on a discount with the companies for as much as 65%. Wow! Can't beat that, can you?
It is Snowing Again
Can you believe it? It is snowing lightly again. That is all it has done this winter and the winds have been terrible too. We went to the next larger town this morning and we could see by the high drifts along the highway that that main highway was really closed up by snow just a few days ago. I don't know why but we have had blizzard-like weather an awful lot of Mondays into Tuesdays in February. Our landlord doesn't know where to pile the snow anymore.
Pizza Night
We just back from a delicious supper at the local Pizza Ranch. We live in a small town and this is the best place to eat. They have a great salad bar, cheese sticks, many kinds of pizza and dessert pizza too. They have the best broasted chicken around and also chicken fingers. Macaroni and cheese is on the menu too, mashed potatoes and gravy and green beans. And don't forget the broasted potatoes. They are delicious too.
Financial Jobs Blog
It is hard when you find yourself out of a job because of a plant or business cutback but you can go to the Internet to this online website financial jobs blog and they will be of great assistance to you. They have recruiters who have worked in many different positions themselves so they are much more experienced in finding the right person for the right job. This company has been in business since 1967 and are highly respected in the field of recruiting. They are able to match prospective employees with employers and also work with employers who are looking for specific people to fill their open positions. They are able to fill positions nationally and in a great many fields. If a company is looking for upper management positions, they are qualified to fill those for them. Look into this website and see what they can do for you.
Campbell Soup Cuts Sodium in Kid's Soup
Do you read the labels on the soup cans before you buy them? I try to check all labels on everything because it seems like salt is used to a great extent to preserve the contents of most of our foods. The Campbell Soup Co.'s kid-oriented soups, which feature characters such as Dora the Explorer and Batman on the cans, are getting their second sodium reduction in three years, according to the company. Now the 12 soups for kids will have 480 milligrams of salt per serving, which means the company can legally label them as healthful foods for the first time. That's kind of scary to think that we and our kids have been eating our favorite soup, "Campbell", and it had so much salt in them. All this time I thought they were good healthy soups. I am really glad that they will now really be down to heart-healthy levels.
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Arizona Congressman Charged in Land Swap
There is so much corruption going on in our government today that it is making news almost every day. Don't these men make enough in salary from the hard working taxpayers here in the United States that they have to pull stuff like this? I guess the more money you have, the more you want and if you have a position that enables you to take advantage of certain things, then you cheat to make more money. It is much like embezzling in my opinion. And now Federal authorities announced corruption charges accusing Rep. Rick Renzi of engineering a swap of federally owned mining land to benefit himself and a former business partner and stealing from his insurance company's clients. A lengthy federal investigation that had put the three-term Republican congressman under a cloud for more than a year ended in a 26-page indictment issued against him and two other men. Of course, Renzi has denied wrongdoing. I hope if he is guilty, and it sounds, like he is, that he is put away along with his former business partners.
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Martha Stewart Buys Rights To Emeril Names
Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia Inc. is bringing in a new celebrity: popular TV chef Emeril Lagasse. The New York based media and merchandising company founded by domesticity expert Martha Stewart announced Tuesday that it had bought the rights to the Emeril Lagasse franchise of cookbooks, television shows and kitchen products for $45 million in cash and $5 million in stock at closing.
Friday, February 22, 2008
Radical Preacher Tries to Block His Extradition
A Islamic preacher accused of trying to establish a terrorist training camp in Oregon asked a British court on Wednesday to block his extradition to the United States. Britain's Home Office has approved the extradition of Abu Hamza al-Masri, who once led London's Finsbury Park Mosque. British officials say the mosque has attracted extremists. Its worshippers have included Sept. 11 conspirator Zacarias Moussaoui and "shoe bomber" Richard Reid. British courts should be allowed to examine the evidence in the U.S. case against her client before an extradition, al-Masri's lawyer said.
terrorist training camp
Regency Beauty Institutes
Beginning as a small 2 schools, 50 years ago, Regency now has grown to 30 and has expanded its cosmetology training to keep up with the times. There are a lot of new markets today such as cruise ships and runways. This school can be found on the Internet at this online website regency beauty institutes where you can begin training for a wonderful career in cosmetology. They endeavor to train students in high quality, yet discounted services to the salon industry. Their students get a taste of the real world on campus and are ready to go out to the finest of salons and even cruise ships which would be a very exciting place to work. They are dedicated to turning out the finest of cosmetologists there are and they have placement services for their students. Check into it if this is your career interest. You will find them to be wonderful schools.
France's Wine Industry has Record Year in 2007
France's wine and spirit industry scored record exports in 2007, with triple digit surges in China and an exuberant performance from the star of French wines, Champagne. France sent nearly 9.3 billion euros, or about $13.8 billion worth of wines and spirits abroad in 2007, an increase of nearly 7 percent year-on-year, the French Federation of Wine and Spirits Exporters announced. Growth in China more than doubled to nearly 247 million euros ($364 million) worth of alcohol. The countr of 1.3 billion people, and a growing middle class discovering a taste for wine and already fond of cognac, was the 11th largest market by value for French wines and spirits in 2007.
Rockets Kill 5 Near Baghdad Airport
Rockets slammed into an Iraqi housing complex near the Baghdad international airport and a nearby U.S. military base on Monday, killing at least five people and wounding 16, including two U.S. soldiers, officials said. American troops acting on strong evidence arrested six Iraqi suspects in the vicinity of the apparent launching sites. The brazen attack followed a weekend in which U.S and Iraqi officials touted the security gains of a year old operation in Baghdad that included an influx of some 30,000 extra American troops.
Small Business Credit Card
In today's world, cash has almost become strange to cashiers who almost expect everyone to pay by credit card these days. And actually, probably more people use debit and credit cards now than ever before. Since we all want the most for our money, we are all looking for the best credit cards that either give us low interest, rewards, or both. If you are in business, you know how important credit cards are and this online website Small Business Credit Card has the greatest selection of every kind of credit card available on the market today. Students on their way to college are sent off with a credit card from the folks and they want to have them carry the credit card with the lowest interest, of course. Consumers are often looking for cards to make balance transfers at zero interest rates in order to consolidate some of their cards into one and lower heir payments. This website has cards even for those with a credit record that is not so good and they can get you a card so you can rebuild your credit. Check in with them today and find the card that fits your needs.
British Agency Denies Role in Diana's Death
The former head of M16 denied Wednesday that the British intelligence agency was responsible for the car accident that killed Princess Diana and her boyfriend, Dodi al Fayed, in 1997. Sir Richard Dearlove, who was director of special operations for the agency at the time of Diana's Paris accident, testified at the inquest into the pair's death that he also believes an operation by rogue agents would have been impossible. Fayed's father, Mohamed Al Fayed, has accused M16 of engineering the death of his son and the princess at the behest of Prince Philip, Queen Elizabeth II's husband.
South Africa to Boost AIDS Medicines Funds
South Africa's finance minister said Wednesday the government will spend more than a quarter of a billion dollars over the next three years to double the number of people receiving AIDS medication. Trevor Manuel, presenting his ministry's budget, said South Africa would spend an additional $274 million by 2011 to allow an extra half a million people with the AIDS virus to access antiretroviral treatment. That would bring the total to about 900,000. The new plan was welcomed but estimated that even with the additional money, about 500,000 people in need of treatment in 2011 still would not receive it.
Wedding Ideas
I know that planning a wedding is a huge project and accomplishment if you can put it together and have a beautiful wedding without spending your life savings. You also need a great many ideas because there are so many various facets to a wedding. To make things much easier and a lot less stressful, the best thing you can do is go onto the Internet to this online website Wedding Ideas because they have it all covered for you. They have much advice and ideas to help you out and be sure to check into discounts on attendant gifts. But first you can start with your list of things to take care of right there online. Next they have a calculator so that you can figure out what it is all going to cost and set your budget accordingly. They have the most beautiful flowers, invitations, dresses and favors for guests, as well. This is only a small part of what they have to help you out so look them up now and get started on the most important day of your life.
Judge Continues Spears' Traffic Case
A judge put the brakes on Britney Spears' driving without a license case Wednesday after her lawyers said they don't believe the troubled pop star is capable of resolving the matter. Superior Court Judge T.K. Herman continued the misdemeanor case until March 20 after lawyer J. Michael Flanagan said Spears' conservatorship attorneys "do not think she is qualified or capable of entering into a binding agreement" at this time. The attorneys also don't believe Spears, 26, is capable of giving a deposition or signed statement.
French Police Rule Out Sighting of Missing Girl
Police investigating an alleged sighting last week of Madeleine McCann in southern France have determined it was not the missing British girl. Investigators had taken seriously a Dutch tourist's account that she believed she saw Madeleine at a roadside restaurant near the city of Montpellier on Feb. 15, according to a police official. He spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to talk publicly on the matter. Madeleine has been missing since May 3, 2007, when she disappeared during a family vacation in Praia da Luz, Portugal. She was a few days from her fourth birthday when she vanished.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
CPAP Machines
People who seem to sleep all night, yet seem to wake up tired every morning, have often been diagnosed with sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is a very real and very serious health hazard. Not long ago a very famous athletic died at a young age because of it. The CPAP machines are a wonderful device that saves many lives and can be obtained at this website CPAP. It is very important to get one of these machines if you have received this diagnosis. This home of the CPAP machines opened a new store just last fall and serves a greater portion of California. you can check it out on their website. Their machines sell for about 1/3 of the competition because the owner wants to help people. He has sleep apnea himself so he can empathize with others who are also suffering from it. If you suffer from this, you can also talk to others there who have the same problem and also Respiratory Therapists that will help put your mind at ease. They are there online to help customers 7 days a week. Check them out and not only save money but perhaps your life as well.
Voters Throw Out Pakistani Hard-liners
Fed up with violence and economic hardship, voters in the deeply conservative northwest have thrown out the Islamist parties that ruled this province for five years, a clear sign that Pakistanis are rejecting religious extremism in a region where al-Qaida and the Taliban have sought refuge. Instead, voters in turbulent North West Frontier Province, which borders Afghanistan, gave their support to secular parties that promised to pave the streets, create jobs and bring peace through dialogue and economic incentives to the extremists. That may conflict with U.S. pressure to step up the fight against armed militants linked to al-Qaida and the Taliban.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Al-Qaida Creating Cells in Other Countries
Al-Qaida, increasingly tamped down in Iraq, is establishing cells in other countries as Osama bin Laden's organization uses Pakistan's tribal region to train for attacks in Afghanistan, the Middle East, Africa and the United States, the U.S. intelligence chief said last Tuesday. Mike McConnell told a Senate hearing more than six years after the Sept 11 attacks that Al-Qaida remains the pre-eminent threat against the United States. McConnell said that fewer than 100 al-Qaida terrorists have moved from Iraq to establish cells in other countries as the U.S. military clamps down on their activities, and the organization "may deploy resources to mount attacks outside the country". He also said while the level of violence in Iraq has dropped sharply since last year, it is going to be years before Iraq is stable. He said it is not going to be over in a year. It is going to be a long time to bring it to closure.
Creating cells,
in U.S. also,
other countries
All Inclusive Cancun Vacations
Here we sit in the middle of snow country with the snow coming down again tonight and the wind blowing it around until it is whiteout and cars in the ditches. What we all dream of is laying in the sun on white sand beaches in an all inclusive resort. And we can do that if we get on the Internet and look up this website All Inclusive Cancun Vacations and start planning that wonderful warm vacation. These hotels are a wonderful collection of beautiful hotels on great white sand beaches that will meet your every delight. The food is gourmet dining with private-label wines and their own freshly baked breads. They are all equipped with the finest of amenities, swimming pools, private rooms with ocean views, something for everyone whether you are coming with your significant other or with the whole family. You will be delighted as they are all inclusive with private beaches. What are you waiting for? Now is the time to go and enjoy the warmth the most in the dead of this miserable winter we are having here.
Probe of Delay iin Blast-Resistant Vehicles Urged
Two senators are urging the Pentagon to investigate a Marine Corps report that bureaucrats refused an urgent request from battlefield commanders in 2005 for blast-resistant vehicles. Sen. Joseph Biden, Jr, Democrat from Delaware, chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee said we need an official investigation to figure out how this happened and to make sure it never happens again. He is sure right on that. He has been a longtime advocate of building and deploying more of the vehicles, called MRAPS. Se. Kit Bond,Republican from Missouri, said the government shouldn't have to explain to the families of American troops that a cost effective solution capable of saving lives was not deployed because of bureaucratic delays or insufficient funds.Many lives would have been saved already if they had just got off their behinds and got this going for our service men.
FEMA Acknowledges Trailer Hazards
After downplaying the risks for months, the Federal Emergency Management Agency said it will rush to move Gulf Coast hurricane victims out of roughly 35,000 government issued trailers because tests found dangerous levels of formaldehyde fumes. FEMA Administrator R. David Paulison said the agency hopes to get everyone out and into hotels, motels, apartments and other temporary housing by the summer, when the heat and stuffy air could worsen the problem. A little late, aren't they???
Monday, February 18, 2008
Kava Kava
If you have ever been to Hawaii, you know they are famous for their Kava coffee. It is served everywhere. Kava Kava is also grown as a herbal medicinal product. You can purchase kava kava in many forms for many reasons. Most of all it has a calming effect and relieves stress. The natives have known for over 3000 years, just how good it is but it is only lately that it has been more highly distributed. You can get it in several forms, liquid, liquid gels or a powder to be mixed with tea. Studies have been done that show that it works better for anxiety than the latest prescription pills for anxiety and without liver damage. You are more likely to have liver damage from prescription medicines than with kava kava. They take care to use distilled water in the preparation of their products so that everything is pure. It has been used in the Southseas Islands for many years but Germany has taken a great interest in it and studying it to see how safe it is. It is a product that can be very beneficial to your health. Check out their website for lots more information.
Israel's Military Given "Free Hand" in Gaza
Israel's prime minister on Sunday gave his military a "free hand" to attack Gaza militants after a rocket slammed into a house in this town where the visiting U.N. Humanitarian chief had just called for an end to the daily attacks. Prime Minister, Ehud Olmert, said he would not allow a humanitarian crisis to develop in Gaza, but the people there could not live normal lives while Israelis across the border were constantly targeted by rockets. He said we will reach out for anyone involved in perpetrating terrorism against Israelis and they would not hesitate to attack them in order to stop them. He said that applied to everyone, first and foremost Hamas. Hamas is in charge of Gaza he said. Olmert was speaking at a gathering of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations in Jerusalem. Early Sunday, Israeli ground forces backed by aircraft entered Gaza. Three Palestinian militants and a civilian were killed in clashes and an Israeli soldier was seriously wounded.
Gaza City,
Hamas rocket attacks,
Israeli retaliates
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Henry Winkler Testifies in Ritter Death Lawsuit
Actor Henry Winkler took the witness stand Wednesday in a lawsuit over the death of actor, John Ritter, telling jurors he had a conversation with his friend just hours before he died. Ritter, at the time staring in the TV show "8 Simple Rules...For Dating My Teenage Daughter," died on Sept 11, 2003, after suffering a tear in his aorta, known as an aortic dissection. What a sad loss. He was one of our favorite stars and we loved "Three's Company" and never missed it.
Bill Graham in Fair Condition After Surgery
Evangelist Billy Graham is in fair condition at a North Carolina hospital after a successful surgery. Doctors say the 89 year old Graham was talking immediately after the surgery Wednesday at Mission Hospitals near his home in Montreat. Graham has a buildup of fluid within the brain. The surgery replaced a valve in a shunt installed in 2000 that drains excess fluid from his brain through a small tube.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Home Sales from Foreclosures Climbing
A growing share of home sales are from foreclosures, especially in states hardest hit by the housing bust. In some parts of California lately, nearly 50 percent of home sales come from foreclosed houses. The trend, which is putting additional downward pressure on home prices, is most notable there and in Nevada, Colorado, Tennessee and Michigan, but is also evident in Ohio, Georgia, Florida and Arizona, according to an Associated Press comparison of 2007 sales and foreclosure data.
Russian Women
Do not miss out when looking for a bride by not considering Russia. This online website russian women will tell you all about the wonderful Russian women who want to settle down and raise families. Sometimes people think brides from other countries are only in it for the money, chance to live in America, gain citizenship or some other reason. But these women are interviewed to be sure that you are ensured of safe dating. They have thousands of lovely women looking for a mate. You can sign up with them for FREE and check by city, if you wish, for the perfect bride. You will be able to chat with them online and get to know them. This website will even provide you with anti-scam tips so that you will not be taken in by fake brides. This is the website to find the love of your life and the lovely bride that will provide you with a happy home and family for the rest of your life. Check into them now and get started on the romance of a lifetime.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
U.S. Plans Troops in Iraq into 2009
President Bush's top diplomat in Iraq said Friday that the U.S. plans to keep combat troops there into 2009, seen as the tipping point for establishing the nation's long term security, and he offered no deadline for a full withdrawal. Ambassador Ryan Crocker told The Associated Press that he can't make an promises if, as the Democratic candidates have signaled, the next president pulls forces out faster or in greater numbers. He said American remains a center of gravity in Iraq almost five years after invasion, and that violence and political development both hinge to a considerable degree on whether U.S. forces remain there.
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Winter Wind Chill Warning
Our temperature was -6 at 7:30 a.m. It probably got down as low as -10 or more during the night. The wind came up yesterday about 11:00 a.m. and was blowing something like 38 MPH and out in the country it was white-out. We stayed in after we got the mail yesterday and didn't go to church this morning as it is just plain dangerous to be out on the road in the -30 to -40 wind chills. You get frostbite in as little as 10 minutes out in this stuff. We sure will welcome Spring.
Wholesale Flowers
If you are planning a wedding, then you have found that the cost of the flowers is a huge amount of the budget. But now you can go online to wholesale flowers and get every kind of flower and floral arrangement that you wish for that perfect wedding. Not only that, but you can save as much as 75% because they buy their flowers from growers and importers and they sell them at wholesale to you because they can cut out the middle man. And don't worry about delivery. They are able to ship them directly to your door, freshly cut within 2 to 3 days. It doesn't matter whether your order is large or small, you will get the same fine fresh flowers delivered quickly to you. You can save a great deal of money by ordering from them. And just check out the many kinds of flowers they have available. Look into their corsages, bridal bouquets, centerpieces, and you will find a wonderful assortment of calla lilies, carnations, roses and many more kinds of flowers to choose from.
State Department to Hire 1,100 New Diplomats
President Bush wants to hire nearly 1100 new diplomats to address severe staffing shortages and put the State Department on track to meet an ambitious call to double its size over the next decade. The additional positions are part of an $8.2 billion request for State Department operations for the 2009 budget year that Bush submitted to Congress. That request would be $690 million, or 9.1 percent, above the current level for department operations. They spoke on condition of anonymity ahead of the public release of the spending plan for the budget year that begins Oct l.
Cervical Cancer Virus Gaining Ground in Men
The sexually transmitted virus that causes cervical cancer in women is poised to become one of the leading causes of oral cancer in men, according to a new study. The HPV virus now causes as many cancers of the upper throat as tobacco and alcohol, probably due both to an increase in oral sex and the decline in smoking. The only available vaccine against HPV, made by Merck & Co.Inc., is currently given only to girls and young women. But Merck plans this year to ask government permission to offer the shot to boys. Experts say a primary reason for male vaccinations would be to prevent men from spreading the virus and help reduce the nearly 12,000 cases of cervical cancer diagnosed in U.S. women each year. But the new study should add to the argument that there may be a direct benefit for men too.
Cargo Pants
I have found the most wonderful store full of exquisite clothing designed just for us women. They design clothing to fit and it is made from good materials. You can tell they are upper class by the sewing and stitching as compared to the assembly line stuff you can buy at the discount stores. One thing about buying at this online website cargo pants is that their clothing is going to last longer, saving you money in the long run. They have a great line of blouses, shirts, pants of every style that are right up-to-date. And every woman loves a sale and they have a 70% off Basement Sale going on all the time that you can shop. They have a toll-free number so you can reach them 24/7 with your order. I have checked through many of their tops, pants and dresses and have found so many I just love. It is about time I found a place where I can get a good fit and this is it.
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Dow Jones Drops 370 Points
Wall street plunged Tuesday, driving the Dow Jones industrials down 370 points after investors saw an unexpected contraction in the service sector as evidence the economy is sinking into recession. It was the Dow's biggest percentage drop in almost a year. The volatility that pummeled stocks in January returned with the news that the service sector shrank last month for the first time since March 2003. The report from the Institute for Supply Management wiped out the recent optimism about the economy that had sent stocks surging higher last week.
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Al-Qaida Commander Killed Pakistan
A missile from a U.S.Predator drone struck a suspected terrorist safehouse in Pakistan and killed a top al-Qaida commander believed responsible for a brazen bomb attack during a visit last year by Vice President Cheney to Afghanistan. The strike that killed Abu Laith al-Libi was conducted Monday night or early last Tuesday. They would neither confirm nor deny that the U.S. carried it out. The attack was against a facility in Pakistan's north Waziristan region, the lawless tribal area bordering Afghanistan. An official spoke on condition of anonymity because he is not authorized to discuss the strike publicly.
Playboy Press Release
I bet you didn't know that you could have won a trip to the Playboy mansion by playing on their game website. I sure didn't. But now I have all the information I need to go online and play at their great site. You can see all the action at their website at . And the following press release will tell you all about how these two young guys won their special visit to the Playboy mansion.
Press Release:
Dream New Year at Playboy Mansion for British Boys thanks to online casino
Leonardo DiCaprio, Owen Wilson and Paris Hilton are just some of the celebrities that have helped Hugh Hefner party at the infamous Playboy Mansion recently.
However, this New Year, thanks to an online casino there were two extra names that made it on to the sacred Playboy Mansion guest list that you may have a little more trouble recognizing…
Julian and David two friends from London, made an all expenses paid trip of a lifetime to drop in on ‘Hef’ and his glamorous Playmates at The Mansion in Los Angeles!
So, how did the lads find themselves with the key to the legendary manor? Well, as it happens, visiting Hef was not quite as difficult as you might think… Julian and David are big fans of Playboy’s Online Casino ( and took part in an ongoing promotion that allows player’s to visit The Playboy Mansion.
“Winning the trip to the Playboy Mansion through was probably one of the most exciting moments of my life” said Julien, speaking to us from LA, “And I can assure you that the experience has NOT been a let down! The weather is fantastic and the views aren’t too bad either!”
Mr. Sinclair added, “The Playboy Mansion is everything you expect it to be and more! We were given a guided tour by two gorgeous Playmates, who even took us to the Grotto and swimming pool where Hef has had so many of his parties. What a start to the new year, I can safely say that David and myself have a lifetime of bragging rights to all our mates!”
Peter Marcus Spokesman for online casino said, “This is a real money can’t buy experience, to get to visit the mansion and have lunch with two gorgeous playmates is an amazing achievement and our top prize at Playboy Casino, I can’t wait to take our next Playboy Casino or Poker winners there”. and offer players of online casino games amazing prizes such as free subscriptions to Playboy Magazine and TV right up to special jackpot prizes worth well over £500,000.
PlayboyGaming was founded in 2007.
Player security and site integrity is at the forefront of their efforts.
PlayboyGaming partners with, a publicly traded company on the London AIM exchange to transfer funds securely and conveniently, with ECash Direct, one of the most reliable and trusted e-commerce applications in the world, which has processed more than $11 billion in uncompromised electronic transactions for customers in more than 240 countries.
Also with industry software leader CryptoLogic, Inc., one of the few gaming software companies certified to strict standards similar to land-based gaming and traded on the London, Toronto and New York Stock Exchanges.
For further information, please contact:
Kiia Kiander
Multilingual PR Coordinator
Web Europe Ltd
Blackthorn House
Northminster Business Park
YO26 6QW
Email: kiia.kiander@webcertain.comThis email address is being protected from spam bots, you need Javascript enabled to view it
Telephone: (44) 01904 780030

I am being paid for this post.
Press Release:
Dream New Year at Playboy Mansion for British Boys thanks to online casino
Leonardo DiCaprio, Owen Wilson and Paris Hilton are just some of the celebrities that have helped Hugh Hefner party at the infamous Playboy Mansion recently.
However, this New Year, thanks to an online casino there were two extra names that made it on to the sacred Playboy Mansion guest list that you may have a little more trouble recognizing…
Julian and David two friends from London, made an all expenses paid trip of a lifetime to drop in on ‘Hef’ and his glamorous Playmates at The Mansion in Los Angeles!
So, how did the lads find themselves with the key to the legendary manor? Well, as it happens, visiting Hef was not quite as difficult as you might think… Julian and David are big fans of Playboy’s Online Casino ( and took part in an ongoing promotion that allows player’s to visit The Playboy Mansion.
“Winning the trip to the Playboy Mansion through was probably one of the most exciting moments of my life” said Julien, speaking to us from LA, “And I can assure you that the experience has NOT been a let down! The weather is fantastic and the views aren’t too bad either!”
Mr. Sinclair added, “The Playboy Mansion is everything you expect it to be and more! We were given a guided tour by two gorgeous Playmates, who even took us to the Grotto and swimming pool where Hef has had so many of his parties. What a start to the new year, I can safely say that David and myself have a lifetime of bragging rights to all our mates!”
Peter Marcus Spokesman for online casino said, “This is a real money can’t buy experience, to get to visit the mansion and have lunch with two gorgeous playmates is an amazing achievement and our top prize at Playboy Casino, I can’t wait to take our next Playboy Casino or Poker winners there”. and offer players of online casino games amazing prizes such as free subscriptions to Playboy Magazine and TV right up to special jackpot prizes worth well over £500,000.
PlayboyGaming was founded in 2007.
Player security and site integrity is at the forefront of their efforts.
PlayboyGaming partners with, a publicly traded company on the London AIM exchange to transfer funds securely and conveniently, with ECash Direct, one of the most reliable and trusted e-commerce applications in the world, which has processed more than $11 billion in uncompromised electronic transactions for customers in more than 240 countries.
Also with industry software leader CryptoLogic, Inc., one of the few gaming software companies certified to strict standards similar to land-based gaming and traded on the London, Toronto and New York Stock Exchanges.
For further information, please contact:
Kiia Kiander
Multilingual PR Coordinator
Web Europe Ltd
Blackthorn House
Northminster Business Park
YO26 6QW
Email: kiia.kiander@webcertain.comThis email address is being protected from spam bots, you need Javascript enabled to view it
Telephone: (44) 01904 780030
I am being paid for this post.
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Sylvester Stallone and "Rambo"
Sylvester Stallone says that his latest "Rambo" film and its tag line are inspiring real life opponents of Myanmar's military rulers. The saying is "either live for something, die for nothing - it's your choice". The 61 year old actor-director told this from Paris, where he is promoting the movie. Students have now used this film as a rallying point and are using the quote, thinking maybe the American military will intervene and save them, but will they?
Monday, February 4, 2008
Winter Wonderland
Well it is a winter wonderland out there again. The fog makes everything beautiful and white frosted trees, bushes and everything that doesn't move. Fog is moving in again tonight and probably some snow and maybe even ran. Stayed in all day and made a casserole for supper and hot biscuits and that was easy. Furnace acted up and had to get the plumber but it was just a lot of lint that got in where it wouldn't let the fan go on for the blower. Thank the Lord it was just a service call and not a new furnace. It got cold fast. Dropped from 70 to 65 in minutes. Sure glad we got it fixed right away first thing.
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